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Created October 26, 2021 11:52
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using System;
using UnityEngine;
//by Pepijn Willekens
public static class VectorExtension
public static Vector3 ChangeX(this Vector3 parent, float newX)
return new Vector3(newX, parent.y, parent.z);
public static Vector3 ChangeY(this Vector3 parent, float newY)
return new Vector3(parent.x, newY, parent.z);
public static Vector3 ChangeZ(this Vector3 parent, float newZ)
return new Vector3(parent.x, parent.y, newZ);
public static Vector3 ChangeX(this Vector3 parent, FloatEdit edit)
return new Vector3(edit(parent.x), parent.y, parent.z);
public static Vector3 ChangeY(this Vector3 parent, FloatEdit edit)
return new Vector3(parent.x, edit(parent.y), parent.z);
public static Vector3 ChangeZ(this Vector3 parent, FloatEdit edit)
return new Vector3(parent.x, parent.y, edit(parent.z));
public static Vector2 ChangeX(this Vector2 parent, float newX)
return new Vector2(newX, parent.y);
public static Vector2 ChangeY(this Vector2 parent, float newY)
return new Vector2(parent.x, newY);
public static Vector2 ChangeX(this Vector2 parent, FloatEdit edit)
return new Vector2(edit(parent.x), parent.y);
public static Vector2 ChangeY(this Vector2 parent, FloatEdit edit)
return new Vector2(parent.x, edit(parent.y));
public delegate float FloatEdit(float input);
public static void SetX(this Vector3 v, float newX)
v.x = newX;
public static void SetY(this Vector3 v, float newY)
v.y = newY;
public static void SetZ(this Vector3 v, float newZ)
v.z = newZ;
public static void SetX(this Vector2 v, float newX)
v.x = newX;
public static void SetY(this Vector2 v, float newY)
v.y = newY;
public static string ToDetailedString(this Vector2 v)
return v.ToString("F5");
public static string ToDetailedString(this Vector3 v)
return v.ToString("F5");
public static Vector3 AddX(this Vector3 parent, float changeX)
return new Vector3(parent.x + changeX, parent.y, parent.z);
public static Vector3 AddY(this Vector3 parent, float changeY)
return new Vector3(parent.x, parent.y + changeY, parent.z);
public static Vector3 AddZ(this Vector3 parent, float changeZ)
return new Vector3(parent.x, parent.y, parent.z + changeZ);
public static Vector2 AddX(this Vector2 parent, float changeX)
return new Vector2(parent.x + changeX, parent.y);
public static Vector2 AddY(this Vector2 parent, float changeY)
return new Vector2(parent.x, parent.y + changeY);
public static Vector2 Abs(this Vector2 v)
return new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(v.x), Mathf.Abs(v.y));
public static Vector3 Abs(this Vector3 v)
return new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(v.x), Mathf.Abs(v.y), Mathf.Abs(v.z));
public static Vector3 ChangeXY(this Vector3 v, Vector2 xy)
return new Vector3(xy.x, xy.y, v.z);
public static Vector3 ChangeXY(this Vector3 v, float x, float y)
return new Vector3(x, y, v.z);
public static Vector3 ChangeXZ(this Vector3 v, Vector2 xz)
return new Vector3(xz.x, v.y, xz.y);
public static Vector3 ChangeXZ(this Vector3 v, float x, float z)
return new Vector3(x, v.y, z);
public static Vector3 ChangeYZ(this Vector3 v, Vector2 yz)
return new Vector3(v.x, yz.y, yz.y);
public static Vector3 ChangeYZ(this Vector3 v, float y, float z)
return new Vector3(v.x, y, z);
public static Vector3 AddXY(this Vector3 v, Vector2 xy)
return new Vector3(v.x + xy.x, v.y + xy.y, v.z);
public static Vector3 AddXZ(this Vector3 v, Vector2 xz)
return new Vector3(v.x + xz.x, v.y, v.z + xz.y);
public static Vector2 GetXZ(this Vector3 v)
return new Vector2(v.x, v.z);
public static Vector2 GetXY(this Vector3 v)
return new Vector2(v.x, v.y);
public static Vector2 GetYZ(this Vector3 v)
return new Vector2(v.y, v.z);
public static Vector3 ToVector3(this Vector2 v)
return new Vector3(v.x, v.y, 0);
public static Vector3 ToVector3(this Vector2 v, float z)
return new Vector3(v.x, v.y, z);
public static bool EqualsVector(this Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
return Mathf.Approximately(v1.x, v2.x) && Mathf.Approximately(v1.y, v2.y) && Mathf.Approximately(v1.z, v2.z);
public static Vector2 Rotate(this Vector2 v, float degrees)
float sin = Mathf.Sin(degrees * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float cos = Mathf.Cos(degrees * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float tx = v.x;
float ty = v.y;
v.x = (cos * tx) - (sin * ty);
v.y = (sin * tx) + (cos * ty);
return v;
public static Vector2 Rotate90Degrees(this Vector2 v)
return new Vector2(-v.y, v.x);
public static Vector2 GetPerpendicular(this Vector2 v)
return v.Rotate90Degrees();
public static float GetAngle(this Vector2 v)
return Mathf.Atan2(v.y, v.x);
public static Vector2Int ToInt(this Vector2 v)
return new Vector2Int((int)v.x, (int)v.y);
public static Vector2 ToFloat(this Vector2Int v)
return new Vector2(v.x, v.y);
public static int GetDominantAxis(this Vector3 v)
if (v.x >= v.y && v.x >= v.z) return 0;
else if (v.y >= v.x && v.y >= v.z) return 1;
return 2;
public static float GetAxisValue(this Vector3 v, int axis)
if (axis == 0) return v.x;
else if (axis == 1) return v.y;
else if (axis == 2) return v.z;
else throw new ArgumentException($"Axis value {axis} is not valid: must be 0, 1 or 2.");
public static void SetAxisValue(this Vector3 v, int axis, float value) {
if (axis == 0) v.x = value;
else if (axis == 1) v.y = value;
else if (axis == 2) v.z = value;
else throw new ArgumentException($"Axis value {axis} is not valid: must be 0, 1 or 2.");
public static bool IsPerpendicular(this Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2)
return Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Dot(v1, v2)) < 0.00001f;
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