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Last active May 16, 2021 22:32
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Wrapper for `nix` commands that automatically override flake input paths
# via use of the special environment variables NIX_FLAKE_PATH_OVERRIDES and NIX_FLAKE_URL_OVERRIDES
import os
import sys
import json
import subprocess
from typing import List, Set, Mapping
def sprint(out: str):
sys.stderr.write(out + "\n")
def resolve_metadata() -> Mapping:
sprint(f"\033[92mFlake: Resolving metadata to check inputs...\033[0m")
result =["nix", "flake", "metadata", "--json", "--no-write-lock-file"], capture_output=True)
if result.returncode != 0:
return None
return json.loads(result.stdout)
def build_url(node: Mapping) -> str:
if not "original" in node:
return None
original = node["original"]
ltype = original["type"]
if ltype == "github":
value = f"github:{original['owner']}/{original['repo']}"
if "ref" in original:
value += f"/{original['ref']}"
return value
elif ltype == "git":
return f"git+{original['url']}"
# unsupported for now
return None
def resolve_path(tree: Mapping, curr: Mapping, path: List[str]) -> Mapping:
Resolves a flake path relative to the inputs of "curr"
# last component means it's a root
if len(path) == 1:
return tree[path[0]]
# find and resolve the newest segment
node = curr
for _ in path:
node = resolve_path(tree, node, path[1:])
# we now have the node
return node
def merge_url_maps(first: Mapping[str, Set[str]], second: Mapping[str, Set[str]]) -> Mapping:
result = first.copy()
for key, value in second.items():
if key in result:
result[key] = result[key].union(value)
result[key] = value
return result
def build_url_map(tree: Mapping, curr: Mapping, curr_path: List[str] = [], depth: int = 0) -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]:
Builds the entire tree of url -> input paths
nodes = {}
for name in curr.get("inputs", {}).keys():
path = curr_path + [name]
node = resolve_path(tree, curr, path)
url = build_url(node)
if not url:
rec_inputs = build_url_map(tree, node, path, depth)
nodes = merge_url_maps(nodes, rec_inputs)
path_str = "/".join(path)
if not url in nodes:
nodes[url] = set()
return nodes
def parse_url_overrides(metadata: Mapping) -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]:
if "NIX_FLAKE_URL_OVERRIDES" not in os.environ:
return {}
envvar = os.environ["NIX_FLAKE_URL_OVERRIDES"]
lock_root = metadata["locks"]["nodes"]
url_map = build_url_map(lock_root, lock_root["root"])
results = {}
for override in envvar.split(";"):
parts = override.rsplit("=", 1)
if len(parts) != 2:
before = parts[0]
after = parts[1]
# find the inputs that correspond to this
if not before in url_map:
sprint(f"\033[93mFlake: The path override source \"{before}\" is not present in the lockfile, skipping.\033[0m")
# if the override is a path and it doesn't exist, abort
if after.startswith("path:") and not os.path.exists(after.replace("path:", "")):
sprint(f"\033[93mFlake: The path override target \"{after}\" does not exist, skipping.\033[0m")
sprint(f"\033[92mFlake: Overriding URL \"{before}\" to \"{after}\".\033[0m")
results[after] = url_map[before]
return results
def build_nix_params() -> List[str]:
# if neither envvar is set don't bother doing anything
if "NIX_FLAKE_PATH_OVERRIDES" not in os.environ and "NIX_FLAKE_URL_OVERRIDES" not in os.environ:
return []
metadata = resolve_metadata()
if not metadata:
return []
params = []
url_overrides = parse_url_overrides(metadata)
for url, paths in url_overrides.items():
for path in paths:
params.extend(["--override-input", path, url])
return params
params = build_nix_params()
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