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Created September 26, 2018 16:14
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my terrible code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Reflection;
using CoreDynamic.Providers;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Drawing;
using CoreDRXLibrary;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using CoreDynamic.Interfaces;
using CoreDRXLibrary.Interfaces;
using CoreDRXLibrary.Controllers;
using PCLStorage;
namespace CoreDRXLibrary.Providers
public class FileProvider : IFileProvider
/// <summary>
/// The XmlDocument to modify.
/// </summary>
public XmlDocument activeDocument;
/// <summary>
/// Whether errors have occured while loading the file.
/// </summary>
private bool errorsOccured = false;
/// <summary>
/// The reader that stores the DRX xml document.
/// </summary>
private XmlReader fileReader;
/// <summary>
/// The decrypted decryption key that decrypts the DRX body (unwrapped).
/// </summary>
protected byte[] encryptionDecryptedKey;
/// <summary>
/// The body of the DRX, encoded in RTF format.
/// </summary>
protected string bodyText;
/// <summary>
/// The XmlNamespaceManager holding namespace information.
/// </summary>
private XmlNamespaceManager activeNamespace;
public string CurrentFilePath { get => CurrentFilePathInt; set { CurrentFilePathInt = value; } }
private string CurrentFilePathInt;
public int CreationID { get => CreationIDInt; set { CreationIDInt = value; } }
private int CreationIDInt;
public bool IsValid { get => IsValidInt; set { IsValidInt = value; } }
private bool IsValidInt = false;
public int Id { get => IdInt; set { IdInt = value; } }
private int IdInt;
public double FileRevision { get => FileRevisionInt; set { FileRevisionInt = value; } }
private double FileRevisionInt;
public int Series { get => SeriesInt; set { SeriesInt = value; } }
private int SeriesInt;
public bool EncryptionEnabled { get => EncryptionEnabledInt; set { EncryptionEnabledInt = value; } }
private bool EncryptionEnabledInt;
public double EncryptionVersion { get => EncryptionVersionInt; set { EncryptionVersionInt = value; } }
private double EncryptionVersionInt;
public string BodyHash { get => BodyHashInt; set { BodyHashInt = value; } }
private string BodyHashInt;
public EncryptionType FileEncryptionType { get => FileEncryptionTypeInt; set { FileEncryptionTypeInt = value; } }
private EncryptionType FileEncryptionTypeInt;
public string EncryptionSerial { get => EncryptionSerialInt; set { EncryptionSerialInt = value; } }
private string EncryptionSerialInt;
public X509Certificate2 EncryptionCertificate { get => EncryptionCertificateInt; set { EncryptionCertificateInt = value; } }
private X509Certificate2 EncryptionCertificateInt;
public string EncryptionCertificateKey { get => EncryptionCertificateKeyInt; set { EncryptionCertificateKeyInt = value; } }
private string EncryptionCertificateKeyInt;
public string EncryptionKey { get => EncryptionKeyInt; set { EncryptionKeyInt = value; } }
private string EncryptionKeyInt;
public bool EncryptionProvisioning { get => EncryptionProvisioningInt; set { EncryptionProvisioningInt = value; } }
private bool EncryptionProvisioningInt;
public string EncryptionPassOverride { get => EncryptionPassOverrideInt; set { EncryptionPassOverrideInt = value; } }
private string EncryptionPassOverrideInt;
public bool HasBeenDecrypted { get => HasBeenDecryptedInt; set { HasBeenDecryptedInt = value; } }
private bool HasBeenDecryptedInt;
public string FriendlyName { get => FriendlyNameInt; set { FriendlyNameInt = value; } }
private string FriendlyNameInt;
public string SecurityLevel { get => SecurityLevelInt; set { SecurityLevelInt = value; } }
private string SecurityLevelInt;
public bool Redactions { get => RedactionsInt; set { RedactionsInt = value; } }
private bool RedactionsInt;
public string[] Flags { get => FlagsInt; set { FlagsInt = value; } }
private string[] FlagsInt;
public string Setting { get => SettingInt; set { SettingInt = value; } }
private string SettingInt;
public string Date { get => DateInt; set { DateInt = value; } }
private string DateInt;
public string Status { get => StatusInt; set { StatusInt = value; } }
private string StatusInt;
public int Vividity { get => VividityInt; set { VividityInt = value; } }
private int VividityInt = -1;
public int Remembrance { get => RemembranceInt; set { RemembranceInt = value; } }
private int RemembranceInt = -1;
public int Emotion { get => EmotionInt; set { EmotionInt = value; } }
private int EmotionInt = -1;
public int Length { get => LengthInt; set { LengthInt = value; } }
private int LengthInt = -1;
public string EncryptionPassword { get; set; }
private IServiceProvider serviceProvider;
private IDatabaseProvider databaseProvider;
private IApplicationProvider applicationProvider;
private Stream documentFileStream = null;
/// <summary>
/// Class constructor for the DRXFile class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceProvider">Service provider to use for DI.</param>
/// <param name="documentFile">File instance in the local filesystem to load from.</param>
public FileProvider(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IFile documentFile)
Task.Run(async () =>
await LoadFromFile(documentFile);
public FileProvider(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
public async Task LoadFromFile(IFile documentFile)
// Open the database file for reading and writing, and feed the stream into our XmlReader.
documentFileStream = await documentFile.OpenAsync(PCLStorage.FileAccess.ReadAndWrite);
fileReader = XmlReader.Create(documentFileStream);
/// <summary>
/// Class constructor for the DRXFile class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceProvider">Service collection to use for DI.</param>
/// <param name="fileStream">A file stream containing the file.</param>
public FileProvider(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Stream fileStream)
documentFileStream = fileStream;
fileReader = XmlReader.Create(documentFileStream);
private void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
applicationProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IApplicationProvider>();
databaseProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IDatabaseProvider>();
// Create a new XmlDocument to hold XML information, and set options on it.
activeDocument = new XmlDocument()
PreserveWhitespace = true
// Attempt to load the DRX schema.
// Load the schema.
activeDocument.Schemas.Add(XmlSchema.Read(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(schemas.DRXSchema)), ValidationCallback));
// Create a new namespace manager for the schema.
activeNamespace = new XmlNamespaceManager(activeDocument.NameTable);
// Add the schema namespace to the namespace manager.
activeNamespace.AddNamespace("xns", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
// Something went wrong while loading the schema.
catch (Exception e)
throw new DRXLoadException(e.Message, e);
public Dictionary<string, dynamic> GetMetadata()
if (fileReader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial)
string friendlyName = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:friendlyName").InnerText;
string securityLevel = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:secLevel").InnerText;
string redactions = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:redactions").InnerText;
string setting = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:setting").InnerText;
string date = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:date").InnerText;
string status = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:status").InnerText;
XmlNode bodyHash_node = activeDocument.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//xns:drx/@bodyHash", activeNamespace);
XmlNode encryptionWrapper_node = activeDocument.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionWrapper", activeNamespace);
XmlNode vividity_node = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@vividity");
XmlNode remembrance_node = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@remembrance");
XmlNode emotion_node = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@emotion");
XmlNode length_node = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@length");
int vividity = -1;
int remembrance = -1;
int emotion = -1;
int length = -1;
string bodyHash = null;
if (bodyHash_node != null) { bodyHash = bodyHash_node.InnerText; } else if (encryptionWrapper_node != null) { bodyHash = encryptionWrapper_node.InnerText; }
if (vividity_node != null) { vividity = Convert.ToInt32(vividity_node.InnerText); }
if (remembrance_node != null) { remembrance = Convert.ToInt32(remembrance_node.InnerText); }
if (emotion_node != null) { emotion = Convert.ToInt32(emotion_node.InnerText); }
if (length_node != null) { length = Convert.ToInt32(length_node.InnerText); }
XmlNodeList documentFlags = activeDocument.SelectNodes("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:flags/xns:flag", activeNamespace);
List<string> temporaryFlags = new List<string>();
List<string> nonDescriptiveFlags = new List<string>();
foreach (XmlNode DataFlag in documentFlags)
Dictionary<string, dynamic> metadata = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>()
{ "Identifier", Convert.ToInt32(QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@id").InnerText) },
{ "FriendlyName", friendlyName },
{ "SecurityLevel", securityLevel },
{ "Redactions", redactions },
{ "Flags", temporaryFlags },
{ "FlagsNonDescriptive", nonDescriptiveFlags },
{ "Setting", setting },
{ "Date", date },
{ "Status", status },
{ "BodyHash", bodyHash },
{ "VRELScore", DRXBaseClass.VRELToString(vividity, remembrance, emotion, length) },
{ "RetrievalLocation", "DirectFile" }
return metadata;
catch (Exception e)
throw new DRXLoadException("Fatal error: " + e.Message + " Could not query file metadata.", e);
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to load the specified DRX document.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether the load was successful.</returns>
public bool LoadDocument()
if (fileReader == null)
throw new DRXLoadException("File provider does not yet contain a reader or document to read from.");
// Attempt to read the DRX.
#region ReaderInitialization
// Load the data into the XmlDocument using the XmlReader.
if (fileReader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial && documentFileStream != null)
//string testString = fileReader.ReadContentAsString();
catch (XmlException e)
throw new DRXLoadException("DRX XML parsing exception: " + e.Message, e);
// Close the stream to make sure the file is not still open.
// Check the validity.
if (errorsOccured == true)
// Errors occured!
return false;
#region VariableAssignment
// Query all namespaces and assign to variables.
XmlElement rootElement = (XmlElement)QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx");
XmlNode header = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header");
XmlNode friendlyName = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:friendlyName");
XmlNode securityLevel = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:secLevel");
XmlNode redactions = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:redactions");
XmlNode flags = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:flags");
XmlNode setting = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:setting");
XmlNode date = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:date");
XmlNode status = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:status");
FriendlyName = friendlyName.InnerText;
SecurityLevel = securityLevel.InnerText;
Redactions = Convert.ToBoolean(redactions.InnerText);
// Get a list of all flags in the current DRX document.
XmlNodeList documentFlags = activeDocument.SelectNodes("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:flags/xns:flag", activeNamespace);
// Create a new list to store the flags.
List<string> temporaryFlags = new List<string>();
// Loop for each XmlNode in the DataFlags XmlNodeList.
foreach (XmlNode flag in documentFlags)
// Add the flag to the FlagsTemp list.
// Convert the FlagsTemp list to the Flags global variable.
Flags = temporaryFlags.ToArray();
Setting = setting.InnerText;
Date = date.InnerText;
Status = status.InnerText;
// Query other attributes.
XmlNode vividity = this.QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@vividity");
XmlNode remembrance = this.QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@remembrance");
XmlNode emotion = this.QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@emotion");
XmlNode length = this.QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@length");
// Check if the document already has "vividity" and "remembrance" attributes.
if (vividity == null || remembrance == null)
// Set values to zero.
Vividity = 0;
Remembrance = 0;
// Initialize the element.
rootElement.SetAttribute("vividity", "0");
rootElement.SetAttribute("remembrance", "0");
// Set them from existing values.
Vividity = Convert.ToInt32(vividity.InnerText);
Remembrance = Convert.ToInt32(remembrance.InnerText);
// Check if the document already has "emotion" and "length" attributes.
if (emotion == null || length == null)
// Set values to zero.
Emotion = 0;
Length = 0;
// Initialize the element.
rootElement.SetAttribute("emotion", "0");
rootElement.SetAttribute("length", "0");
// Set them from existing values.
Emotion = Convert.ToInt32(emotion.InnerText);
Length = Convert.ToInt32(length.InnerText);
// Query file attributes, and convert them to globals.
XmlNode id = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@id");
XmlNode fileRevision = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@fileRevision");
XmlNode series = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@series");
Id = Convert.ToInt32(id.InnerText);
FileRevision = Convert.ToDouble(fileRevision.InnerText);
Series = Convert.ToInt32(series.InnerText);
// Query the body namespace.
XmlNode documentBody = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:body");
XmlNode bodyHash = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@bodyHash");
if (bodyHash != null)
BodyHash = bodyHash.InnerText;
BodyHash = null;
#region EncryptionVariables
// If encryption is enabled, set the respective attributes.
if (Convert.ToBoolean(QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionEnabled").InnerText) == true &&
Convert.ToDecimal(QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionVersion").InnerText) != 0)
// Query the encryption XML nodes.
XmlNode encryptionEnabled = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionEnabled");
XmlNode encryptionVersion = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionVersion");
XmlNode encryptionWrapper = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionWrapper");
XmlNode encryptionType = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionType");
XmlNode encryptionKey = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionKey");
XmlNode encryptionSerial = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionSerial");
if (BodyHash == null)
BodyHash = encryptionWrapper.InnerText;
// Set the globals.
EncryptionEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(encryptionEnabled.InnerText);
EncryptionVersion = Convert.ToDouble(encryptionVersion.InnerText);
FileEncryptionType = (EncryptionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EncryptionType), encryptionType.InnerText, true);
if (encryptionSerial == null)
// Initialize the element.
rootElement.SetAttribute("encryptionSerial", "0");
EncryptionSerial = encryptionSerial.InnerText;
// Encryption isn't enabled, so no hard work to do! :)
bodyText = documentBody.InnerText;
bodyText = documentBody.InnerText;
// Set the document as valid.
IsValid = true;
// Set the filename (because if we loaded from a stream we need to save in the filesystem)
CurrentFilePath = databaseProvider.GetDRXFilePath(Id);
// Save the document in the local cache.
Task.Run(async () => { await SaveChanges(true, true); });
// Return true.
return true;
// The DRX file wasn't found in the filesystem.
catch (FileNotFoundException)
// Invalidate the document.
IsValid = false;
// Return false.
return false;
public bool DeleteDocument()
return true;
catch (Exception e)
throw new DRXLoadException("Could not delete the specified DRX: " + e.Message, e);
/// <summary>
/// Creates or updates a new DRX document with the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Document">The XmlDocument instance you'd like to create or update the document with.</param>
/// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether the creation or update was successful.</returns>
public bool UpdateDocument(bool creating = false, int id = 0)
// Check whether all document data is present.
if (Id != 0 &&
FileRevision != 0 &&
Series != 0 &&
FriendlyName != null &&
SecurityLevel != null &&
Flags != null &&
Setting != null &&
Date != null &&
Status != null &&
bodyText != null)
// Create a variable to store a temporary flag.
XmlElement temporaryFlag;
// Query all namespaces and assign to variables.
XmlNode friendlyName = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:friendlyName");
XmlNode securityLevel = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:secLevel");
XmlNode redactions = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:redactions");
XmlNode flags = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:flags");
XmlNode setting = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:setting");
XmlNode date = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:date");
XmlNode status = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:header/xns:status");
// Set the DRX header.
friendlyName.InnerText = FriendlyName;
securityLevel.InnerText = SecurityLevel;
// Create an element to store our flags.
XmlElement temporaryFlags = activeDocument.CreateElement("flags", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
// Do for each flag in the Flags global.
foreach (string flag in Flags)
// Create a new flag element for each DataFlag.
temporaryFlag = activeDocument.CreateElement("flag", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
temporaryFlag.InnerText = flag;
SaveNewNode(temporaryFlags, temporaryFlag);
flags.InnerXml = temporaryFlags.InnerXml;
// Set values of other parameters.
setting.InnerText = Setting;
date.InnerText = Date;
status.InnerText = Status;
redactions.InnerText = BooleanToString(Redactions);
// Set the DRX file versioning and metadata.
SetAttribute("//xns:drx/@id", Convert.ToString(Id));
SetAttribute("//xns:drx/@fileRevision", Convert.ToString(FileRevision + 1));
SetAttribute("//xns:drx/@series", Convert.ToString(Series.ToString()));
// Set vividity and remembrance.
if (Vividity != -1 && Remembrance != -1)
SetAttribute("//xns:drx/@vividity", Convert.ToString(Vividity));
SetAttribute("//xns:drx/@remembrance", Convert.ToString(Remembrance));
// Set emotion and length.
if (Emotion != -1 && Length != -1)
SetAttribute("//xns:drx/@emotion", Convert.ToString(Emotion));
SetAttribute("//xns:drx/@length", Convert.ToString(Length));
string bodyShaSum = EncryptionProvider.Sha512(bodyText);
BodyHash = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bodyShaSum));
// DELETE the encryption wrapper because it's deprecated.
if (activeDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("encryptionWrapper") != null)
// Set the new attribute, the "body hash".
activeDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("bodyHash", BodyHash);
activeDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("encryptionEnabled", BooleanToString(EncryptionEnabled));
XmlNode body = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:body");
if (EncryptionProvisioning == true)
// Make sure the body is empty before doing this, just in case.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyText) == true)
// Set the body to a blank RTF notation.
bodyText = @"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17\par}";
// Do this only if encryption is enabled and the encryption wrapper isn't null OR we're provisioning encryption.
if (EncryptionEnabled == true && EncryptionVersion != 0 && BodyHash != null || EncryptionProvisioning == true)
EncryptionProvisioning = false;
EncryptionProvider Crypto;
if (FileEncryptionType == EncryptionType.Password)
Crypto = new EncryptionProvider(EncryptionProvider.Sha512(EncryptionPassword));
body.InnerText = Crypto.Encrypt(bodyText);
else if (FileEncryptionType == EncryptionType.Certificate)
Crypto = new EncryptionProvider(EncryptionKey);
body.InnerText = EncryptionProvider.EncryptBody(bodyText, Convert.ToBase64String(encryptionDecryptedKey));
EncryptionCertificateKey = Convert.ToBase64String(EncryptionProvider.EncryptWithCert(EncryptionCertificate, encryptionDecryptedKey));
activeDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("encryptionKey", EncryptionCertificateKey);
activeDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("encryptionSerial", EncryptionSerial);
// We're not using encryption.
body.InnerText = bodyText;
// Validate the document.
if (errorsOccured == true)
IsValid = false;
return false;
IsValid = true;
return true;
// Not all document params are set.
throw new Exception(strings.DRXNotEnoughParameters);
public string GetBodyContents()
return GetBodyContents(false);
private string GetBodyContents(bool cryptoOverride = false)
if (EncryptionEnabled && (!HasBeenDecrypted && !cryptoOverride))
throw new CryptographicException("Document has not yet been decrypted.");
return bodyText;
public void SetBodyContents(string body)
// Strip any null bytes from the body.
body = body.Replace("\0", String.Empty);
if (EncryptionEnabled && !HasBeenDecrypted)
throw new CryptographicException("Document has not yet been decrypted.");
if (EncryptionEnabled)
// If encryption is enabled, set the respective attributes, and additionally encrypt the body.
if (EncryptionEnabled == true && EncryptionVersion != 0 && BodyHash != null || EncryptionProvisioning == true)
// Set encryption attributes.
activeDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("encryptionEnabled", BooleanToString(EncryptionEnabled));
activeDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("encryptionVersion", Convert.ToString(EncryptionVersion));
activeDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("encryptionType", Enum.GetName(typeof(EncryptionType), FileEncryptionType));
if (FileEncryptionType == EncryptionType.Certificate)
// Generate an encryption key if one dosen't exist already.
// This is used when switching from encryption to a password.
if (EncryptionCertificateKey == null)
encryptionDecryptedKey = EncryptionProvider.GenerateEncryptionKey(EncryptionCertificate);
bodyText = body;
public void DecryptBodyPassword(string password)
if (!EncryptionEnabled)
throw new CryptographicException("Encryption is not enabled.");
if (FileEncryptionType != EncryptionType.Password)
throw new CryptographicException("Encryption type does not match the decryption method.");
XmlNode bodyNode = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:body");
string bodyShaSum = null;
string decryptionKey = EncryptionProvider.Sha512(password);
EncryptionProvider CryptoProvider = new EncryptionProvider(decryptionKey);
string bodyText_old = GetBodyContents(true);
// Attempt to decrypt the body text.
bodyText = CryptoProvider.Decrypt(bodyText_old);
// Create another SHA512 object to validate the hash of the body.
using (SHA512 SHA = new SHA512Managed())
byte[] bodyByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bodyText);
byte[] bodyBytes = SHA.ComputeHash(bodyByte);
string comparisonHash = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bodyBytes, 0, bodyBytes.Length);
bodyShaSum = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(comparisonHash));
// The password is incorrect, or something bad happened.
catch (CryptographicException) { }
// Check whether the SHA512 hash of the body matches the EncryptionWrapper hash we stored in the file header
// while we were creating the DRX.
if (bodyShaSum != BodyHash)
// Set the body contents back to the original value.
bodyText = bodyText_old;
throw new CryptographicException("File hash does not match. Decryption error or incorrect password?");
// Set the EncryptionPassword global, just in case we need to use it later.
EncryptionPassword = password;
HasBeenDecrypted = true;
public void DecryptBodyCertificate(X509Certificate2 certificate = null)
if (!EncryptionEnabled)
throw new CryptographicException("Encryption is not enabled.");
if (FileEncryptionType != EncryptionType.Certificate)
throw new CryptographicException("Encryption type does not match the decryption method.");
XmlNode bodyNode = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/xns:body");
XmlNode encryptionKey = QuerySingleNode("//xns:drx/@encryptionKey");
if (EncryptionSerial == null)
throw new CryptographicException("The encryption serial is null!");
if (certificate == null)
certificate = EncryptionProvider.GetCertificateFromSerial(EncryptionSerial);
if (certificate == null)
throw new CryptographicException("No matching certificates were found in the local user store to decrypt the document.");
EncryptionCertificateKey = encryptionKey.InnerText;
// Create a string to store our sha512 string.
string bodyShaSum = null;
string cryptoException = null;
// Attempt to decrypt the body text.
// Decrypt the encrypted encryption key with the certificate.
encryptionDecryptedKey = EncryptionProvider.DecryptWithCert(certificate, Convert.FromBase64String(EncryptionCertificateKey));
string DecryptedKey = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptionDecryptedKey);
// Create a new encryption provider using the decrypted encryption key to decrypt the body.
EncryptionProvider enc = new EncryptionProvider(DecryptedKey);
// Decrypt the body using the decryption key and pass it to the editor.
bodyText = enc.Decrypt(GetBodyContents(true));
// Set the serial of the certificate, if decryption succeeds.
EncryptionSerial = certificate.SerialNumber;
// The password is incorrect, or something bad happened.
catch (CryptographicException e)
// Make sure we set the BodyText to something invalid, so the next hash won't succeed.
bodyText = "IncorrectPassword";
cryptoException = e.Message;
// Create another SHA512 object to validate the hash of the body.
using (SHA512 SHA = new SHA512Managed())
byte[] bodyByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bodyText);
byte[] bodyBytes = SHA.ComputeHash(bodyByte);
string comparisonHash = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bodyBytes, 0, bodyBytes.Length);
bodyShaSum = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(comparisonHash));
if (bodyShaSum != null)
// Check whether the SHA512 hash of the body matches the EncryptionWrapper hash we stored in the file header
// while we were creating the DRX.
if (bodyShaSum == BodyHash)
EncryptionCertificate = certificate;
HasBeenDecrypted = true;
// The password is incorrect, or the hash or body is somehow corrupt.
if (cryptoException == "Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.") { cryptoException = "The decryption key is incorrect."; };
throw new DRXLoadException(strings.DRXCorrupted + cryptoException ?? "Unknown error.");
throw new DRXLoadException(strings.DRXCorrupted + "Unknown error.");
/// <summary>
/// Sets the encryption key to the specified password.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Password">The password.</param>
public bool SetEncryptionKey(string Password)
// Make sure encryption is actually enabled.
if (EncryptionEnabled == true && EncryptionVersion != 0)
// Create a new SHA512 object, and hash the encryption key with it.
EncryptionKey = EncryptionProvider.Sha512(Password);
// Return true.
return true;
// Encryption isn't enabled.
// Return false.
return false;
public void HashBody()
// Do this only if we're not provisioning encryption this cycle, because otherwise we'd be hashing nothing.
if (EncryptionProvisioning != true)
// Set the encryption wrapper to the hash of the body.
BodyHash = EncryptionProvider.Sha512(bodyText);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new DRX document with baseline XML.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Document">The XmlDocument instance you'd like to initialize.</param>
public bool InitializeDocument()
// Initialize the root namespace.
XmlDeclaration declaration = activeDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);
// Add all elements to the root.
XmlElement rootElement = activeDocument.CreateElement("drx", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
XmlElement header = activeDocument.CreateElement("header", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
XmlElement body = activeDocument.CreateElement("body", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
// Set all root elements to empty or default values.
rootElement.SetAttribute("id", "0");
rootElement.SetAttribute("fileRevision", "0");
rootElement.SetAttribute("series", "0");
rootElement.SetAttribute("encryptionEnabled", "false");
rootElement.SetAttribute("vividity", "0");
rootElement.SetAttribute("remembrance", "0");
rootElement.SetAttribute("emotion", "0");
rootElement.SetAttribute("length", "0");
// Initialize the header namespace.
XmlElement friendlyName = activeDocument.CreateElement("friendlyName", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
XmlElement securityLevel = activeDocument.CreateElement("secLevel", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
XmlElement redactions = activeDocument.CreateElement("redactions", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
XmlElement flags = activeDocument.CreateElement("flags", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
XmlElement setting = activeDocument.CreateElement("setting", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
XmlElement date = activeDocument.CreateElement("date", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
XmlElement status = activeDocument.CreateElement("status", "core://drx.schema.core/schemas/DRXSchema.xsd");
// Save all of the nodes.
SaveNewNode(header, friendlyName);
SaveNewNode(header, securityLevel);
SaveNewNode(header, redactions);
SaveNewNode(header, flags);
SaveNewNode(header, setting);
SaveNewNode(header, date);
SaveNewNode(header, status);
SaveNewNode(rootElement, header);
SaveNewNode(rootElement, body);
// Write it all to the root.
// Return true.
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Sets an attribute using the given XPath query string and value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="XPath">The XPath query you'd like to run.</param>
/// <param name="Value">The value to set the attribute to.</param>
private void SetAttribute(string XPath, string Value)
XmlNode temporaryElement = QuerySingleNode(XPath);
if (temporaryElement != null)
temporaryElement.Value = Value;
/// <summary>
/// Apply some nice formatting to the node. It's not the best, but at least everything's not on one line...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ParentNode">The node that is the direct parent of the child node.</param>
/// <param name="ChildNode">The node you'd like to save.</param>
private void SaveNewNode(XmlNode ParentNode, XmlElement ChildNode)
ParentNode.InnerXml = ParentNode.InnerXml.Replace(ChildNode.OuterXml, ChildNode.OuterXml + Environment.NewLine);
/// <summary>
/// Apply some nice formatting to the declaration. See the method SaveNewNode().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ParentNode">The node that is the direct parent of the child node.</param>
/// <param name="ChildNode">The node you'd like to save.</param>
private void SaveNewDeclaration(XmlNode T_ParentNode, XmlDeclaration T_ChildNode)
activeDocument.InsertBefore(T_ChildNode, T_ParentNode);
/// <summary>
/// Method to validate and save the DRX document.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath"></param>
public async Task<bool> SaveChanges(bool skipCoreServer = false, bool skipUpdate = false)
if (!skipUpdate)
// Validate the document.
// Make sure no errors were set by the callback function.
if (errorsOccured == true)
throw new Exception(strings.DRXSaveErrors);
RemoteDRXController controller = new RemoteDRXController(serviceProvider);
await controller.SaveFile(this, Id, skipCoreServer);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(strings.DRXSaveErrorsException + e, e);
/// <summary>
/// Method to send an XPath query.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="QueryString">The XPath query string.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private XmlNode QuerySingleNode(string QueryString)
return activeDocument.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(QueryString, activeNamespace);
/// <summary>
/// Method to load a XML schema from disk.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SchemaName">The filename of the XML schema.</param>
private void LoadSchema(string SchemaName)
StreamReader schemaFile = File.OpenText(SchemaName);
XmlSchema documentSchema = XmlSchema.Read(schemaFile, ValidationCallback);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
throw new Exception(strings.DRXSchemaLoadError, e);
private string BooleanToString(bool boolean)
if (boolean) { return "true"; } else { return "false"; }
/// <summary>
/// Event to catch errors from XmlDocument.Validate().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="a"></param>
private void ValidationCallback(object sender, ValidationEventArgs a)
if (a.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Warning)
//MessageBox.Show(strings.DRXLoadWarning + a.Message, strings.DRXEditor, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
else if (a.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Error)
//MessageBox.Show(strings.DRXLoadCorrupt + a.Message, strings.DRXEditor, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
errorsOccured = true;
#region IDisposable Support
protected bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposedValue)
if (disposing)
// TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override a finalizer below.
// TODO: set large fields to null.
disposedValue = true;
// TODO: override a finalizer only if Dispose(bool disposing) above has code to free unmanaged resources.
// ~IFileProvider() {
// // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
// Dispose(false);
// }
// This code added to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
public void Dispose()
// Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
// TODO: uncomment the following line if the finalizer is overridden above.
// GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
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