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Created June 4, 2019 03:08
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Underload Interpreter in Tamsin
# An Underload interpreter written in Tamsin.
# Only supports programs containing only `a^:!S~*()`.
# Concatenate two lists.
concat(nil, R) = return R.
concat(cons(A, AS), R) = concat(AS, R) -> R2 & return cons(A, R2).
# Parse a term into an AST.
term = "a" & return wrap
| "^" & return exec
| ":" & return dup
| "!" & return drop
| "S" & return out
| "~" & return swap
| "*" & return cat
| "(" & terms -> V & ")" & return push(V).
# Parse multiple terms into a list of ASTs.
terms = term/nil/cons -> T & $:reverse(T, nil, cons).
# Emit a term without a newline.
print_term(wrap) = $:emit('a').
print_term(exec) = $:emit('^').
print_term(dup) = $:emit(':').
print_term(drop) = $:emit('!').
print_term(out) = $:emit('S').
print_term(swap) = $:emit('~').
print_term(cat) = $:emit('*').
print_term(push(V)) = $:emit('(')
& print_terms(V)
& $:emit(')').
# Emit a list of terms without a newline.
print_terms(V) = { return V -> cons(I, V) & print_term(I) }.
# Evaluate a term on a stack. Return ok(S') where S' is the new stack.
# If there is a stack underflow error, return err.
eval(wrap, cons(V, VS)) =
return ok(cons(cons(push(V), nil), VS)).
eval(exec, cons(V, VS)) = eval_list(V, VS).
eval(dup, cons(V, VS)) =
return ok(cons(V, cons(V, VS))).
eval(drop, cons(V, VS)) =
return ok(VS).
eval(out, cons(V, VS)) = print_terms(V) &
return ok(VS).
eval(swap, cons(VA, cons(VB, VS))) =
return ok(cons(VB, cons(VA, VS))).
eval(cat, cons(VA, cons(VB, VS))) = concat(VB, VA) -> V &
return ok(cons(V, VS)).
eval(push(V), S) =
return ok(cons(V, S)).
eval(P, S) =
return err.
# Evaluate a list of terms on the stack.
eval_list(nil, S) = return ok(S).
eval_list(cons(I, P), S) = eval(I, S) -> R & eval_list_helper(R, P).
eval_list_helper(err, P) = return err.
eval_list_helper(ok(S), P) = eval_list(P, S).
main = terms -> T & eval_list(T, nil) & ''.
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