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Fodor Benedek RedyAu

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RedyAu /
Created May 8, 2023 15:13
Blynk Legacy Server Email Config for Non-Gmail SMTP Server

You can get a Log4j-patched version of the server here. This README is incredibly useful, however it's missing a couple points I found out.

Don't edit the properties in the WebUI!

At least for me, they don't get saved. You can instead create the config files visible in the WebUI in the root directory of the server (where you start the java process).
So, create a,, etc file for each page and configure them there. Just like hosting a Minecraft server, really ;)\

No, GMail is not the only supported SMTP provider.

In fact, today you need an app password for GMail, and it might not work properly even then.
There are more settings you can use in than it's default content. You can see the full list of supported settings here.

RedyAu / generator.dart
Created April 12, 2022 09:08
Energetika vezeték-keresztmetszet kerekítés gyakorláshoz számgenerátor
import "dart:math";
List<double> sor = [0,1.5,2.5,4,6,10,16,25,35,50,70,95,120,150,185,240,300,400,500];
void main() {
var r = Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
int place = r.nextInt(sor.length - 1) + 1;
int max = (sor[place] * 10).floor();
int min = (sor[place - 1] * 10).floor();
RedyAu / konkordancia.json
Created December 19, 2021 10:00
Új református énekeskönyv - '48 énekeskönyv - '96 MRE énekeskönyv Konkordancia JSON
"1": {
"re48": 1,
"mre96": 1
"2": {
"re48": 2,
"mre96": 2
"3": {
RedyAu / uuid.dart
Created August 17, 2021 14:33
[DART] Generate an offline minecraft UUID v3 based on the case sensitive player name
Written by Balint66 and RedyAu, based on
Make sure to import the necessary crypto package in pubspec.yaml:
crypto: ^3.0.1
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
RedyAu / jquery.topup.js
Last active April 15, 2021 16:59
HTML5 Media Player (instead of flash) - HFS HttpFileTransfer | RAWR Designs | Live Theme
// jQuery TopUp v1.7.2, Copyright 2010, Paul Engel - Modified by RAWR-Designs
// Modified by RedyAu and Kess for HTML5 media playback (2021)
// File directory: template/global/topup/jquery.topup.js
// The packed version below is what the user actually gets, put it beside this file.
if (typeof(TopUp) == "undefined") {
TopUp = (function() {
var initialized = false, selector = null, on_ready = [], displaying = false, options = null, group = null, index = null, data = null;
var fast_mode = false;