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Last active December 15, 2017 05:56
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FsAdvent 2017 Code
let application nav =
// Start pruning "loop" via Executor type
let prune = new Executor<_,_>(pruneHandler)
// Start our application, and attach the executor so messages dispatch to the application
Framework.application Forest.empty Forest.update forestComponent nav
|> Framework.withDispatcher prune
// Create binding for entire application. This will output all of our messages.
let forestComponent =
Component.create<Forest,unit,ForestMessage> [
<@ forestDesign.Forest @> |> Bind.collection id treeComponent UpdateTree
<@ forestDesign.Add @> |> Bind.cmdParam Add
let main _ =
// Run using the WPF wrappers around the basic application framework
let nav = Gjallarhorn.Wpf.Navigation.singleView System.Windows.Application MainWindow
let app = Program.application nav.Navigate
Gjallarhorn.Wpf.Framework.RunApplication<Forest,unit,ForestMessage> (nav, app)
let pruneHandler (dispatch : Dispatch<_>) token =
// Handle pruning of the forest -
// Twice per second, send a prune message to remove a tree if there are more than max
let rec pruneForever max =
async {
do! Async.Sleep 500
Prune max |> dispatch
return! pruneForever max
// Start prune loop in the background asynchronously
Async.Start(pruneForever 10, token)
let treeComponent =
Component.create<Tree,unit,TreeMessage> [
<@ treeDesign.Tree @> |> Bind.oneWay id
<@ treeDesign.Decorate @> |> Bind.cmd
<@ treeDesign.Light @> |> Bind.cmd
type TreeVM =
Tree : Tree
Decorate : VmCmd<TreeMessage>
Light : VmCmd<TreeMessage>
let treeDesign = { Tree = { Position = { X = 0.0 ; Y = 0.0 } ; Height = 1.0 ; Decorated = true ; Lit = true } ; Decorate = Vm.cmd Decorate ; Light = Vm.cmd Light }
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