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Last active October 3, 2022 20:31
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module Main where
Module : Main
Description : A Reversed Polish Notation interpreter
A naive implementation implemented as a proof of concept. Among the possible future work is:
- Error checking more advanced than just crashing.
- A translator to infix notation.
- A translator from infix notation.
- Variables?
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (all, words)
example = "1 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +"
data RPN
= RInt Int
| RAdd
| RMul
| RSub
| RDiv
deriving (Show)
parse :: String -> [RPN]
parse = map go . words
go "+" = RAdd
go "*" = RMul
go "-" = RSub
go "/" = RDiv
go cs
| all isDigit cs = RInt (read cs)
| otherwise = error $ "What is this?! " <> show cs
rpn :: [RPN] -> Int
rpn (RInt i1 : RInt i2 : op : rest) =
let result = case op of
RAdd -> i1 + i2
RMul -> i1 * i2
RSub -> i1 - i2
RDiv -> div i1 i2
in case rest of
[] -> result
_ -> rpn (RInt result : rest)
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ do
putStr "> "
i <- rpn . parse <$> getLine
print i
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