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Created November 19, 2020 01:25
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Matrix Class in Dart [WIP]
class Strassen {
m1_of(List[][] a, List[][] b) {}
m2_of() {}
m3_of() {}
m4_of() {}
m5_of() {}
m6_of() {}
m7_of() {}
class Matrix {
List matrix;
Dimensions dimensions;
Matrix(int rows, int columns){
matrix = List.generate(rows, (i) => List(columns), growable: true);
dimensions = Dimensions(rows, columns);
void set(Object value, int row, int column){
if (row >= dimensions.rows || column >= dimensions.columns)
matrix[row][column] = value;
bool isSquare(){
return dimensions.isSquare();
bool isDiagonal(){}
bool isLowerTriangular(){}
bool isUpperTriangular(){}
bool isTriangular(){
return isLowerTriangular() || isUpperTriangular();
bool isIdentity(){}
bool isSymmetric(){}
bool isSkewSymmetric(){}
bool isInverseOf(Matrix b){}
bool isColumnVector(){
return dimensions.columns == 1;
bool isRowVector(){
return dimensions.rows == 1;
// transpose == inverse
bool isOrthogonal(){}
bool isSparse(){}
Matrix getTranspose(){}
Matrix getInverse(){}
Matrix getSubmatrixByRemoving(int row, int col){}
int getRank(){}
int getDeterminant(){}
void pad(){}
Matrix subtract(){}
Matrix add(){}
Matrix multiply{}
class Dimensions implements ForMatrices {
int rows;
int columns;
Dimensions(this.rows, this.columns);
bool isSquare(){
return rows == columns;
class LinearEquations{}
class LinearTransformations{
Matrix rotate(){}
Matrix scale(){}
Matrix reflect(){}
Matrix shear(){}
Matrix squeeze(){}
Matrix project(){}
// Tagging interface
class ForMatrices{}
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
print('hello ${i + 1}');
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