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Created March 10, 2015 08:17
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Looker Redshift Management Model
- view: custom_table_colmn_info
sql: |
, b.table_name
, b.ordinal_position
, b.column_name
, REPLACE(b.udt_name, 'bpchar', 'char') data_type
, character_maximum_length data_length
, CASE a.encoding WHEN 'none' THEN 'raw' ELSE a.encoding END as encoding
', '
|| column_name
|| ' '
|| REPLACE(udt_name, 'bpchar', 'char')
|| '('
|| COALESCE(CAST(character_maximum_length AS VARCHAR),'')
|| ')'
|| CASE a.notnull WHEN 't' then ' NOT NULL ' else ' ' END
|| 'encoding '
|| CASE a.encoding WHEN 'none' THEN 'raw' ELSE a.encoding END
,'()','') AS column_definition
, "distkey"
, "sortkey"
, "notnull"
FROM information_schema.columns b
LEFT OUTER JOIN PG_TABLE_DEF a ON b.table_name = a.tablename
AND b.table_schema = a.schemaname
AND b.column_name = a.column
ORDER By ordinal_position
- measure: count
type: count
detail: detail*
- dimension: schemaname
sql: ${TABLE}.schemaname
- dimension: table_name
sql: ${TABLE}.table_name
- dimension: column_name
sql: ${TABLE}.column_name
- dimension: data_type
sql: ${TABLE}.data_type
- dimension: data_length
sql: ${TABLE}.data_length
- dimension: ordinal_position
sql: ${TABLE}.ordinal_position
- dimension: encoding
sql: ${TABLE}.encoding
- dimension: column_definition
sql: ${TABLE}.column_definition
- dimension: distkey
type: yesno
sql: ${TABLE}.distkey
- dimension: sortkey
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.sortkey
- dimension: notnull
type: yesno
sql: ${TABLE}.notnull
- column
- distkey
- sortkey
- notnull
- view: custom_table_summary_info
sql: |
select trim(pgn.nspname) as Schema, trim( as Table, id as TableId, decode(pgc.reldiststyle,0, 'EVEN',1,det.distkey ,8,'ALL') as DistKey, dist_ratio.ratio::decimal(10,4) as Skew, det.head_sort as "SortKey", det.n_sortkeys as "num_SKs", b.mbytes, ((b.mbytes/*100)::decimal(5,2) as pct_of_total, decode(det.max_enc,0,'N','Y') as Enc, a.rows,
decode( det.n_sortkeys, 0, null , a.unsorted_rows ) as unsorted_rows, decode( det.n_sortkeys, 0, null , a.rows, 0, null, (a.unsorted_rows::decimal(32)/a.rows)*100 )::decimal(5,2) as pct_unsorted
from ( select db_id, id, name, sum(rows) as rows,
sum(rows)-sum(sorted_rows) as unsorted_rows from stv_tbl_perm a group by db_id, id, name ) as a
join pg_class as pgc on pgc.oid =
join pg_namespace as pgn on pgn.oid = pgc.relnamespace
left outer join (select tbl, count(*) as mbytes
from stv_blocklist group by tbl) b on
inner join ( SELECT attrelid, min(case attisdistkey when 't' then attname else null end) as "distkey",min(case attsortkeyord when 1 then attname else null end ) as head_sort , max(attsortkeyord) as n_sortkeys, max(attencodingtype) as max_enc FROM pg_attribute group by 1) as det
on det.attrelid =
inner join ( select tbl, max(Mbytes)::decimal(32)/min(Mbytes) as ratio from
(select tbl, trim(name) as name, slice, count(*) as Mbytes
from svv_diskusage group by tbl, name, slice )
group by tbl, name ) as dist_ratio on = dist_ratio.tbl
join ( select sum(capacity) as total
from stv_partitions where part_begin=0 ) as part on 1=1
where mbytes is not null
- measure: count
type: count
detail: detail*
- dimension: schema
sql: ${TABLE}.schema
- dimension: table
sql: ${TABLE}.table
- dimension: tableid
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.tableid
- dimension: distkey
sql: ${TABLE}.distkey
- dimension: skew
type: number
decimals: 2
sql: ${TABLE}.skew
- dimension: sortkey
sql: ${TABLE}.sortkey
- dimension: num_sks
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.num_sks
- dimension: mbytes
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.mbytes
- dimension: pct_of_total
type: number
decimals: 2
sql: ${TABLE}.pct_of_total
- dimension: enc
sql: ${TABLE}.enc
- dimension: rows
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.rows
- dimension: unsorted_rows
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.unsorted_rows
- dimension: pct_unsorted
sql: ${TABLE}.pct_unsorted
- schema
- table
- tableid
- distkey
- skew
- sortkey
- num_sks
- mbytes
- pct_of_total
- enc
- rows
- unsorted_rows
- pct_unsorted
- connection: your_connection
- scoping: true # for backward compatibility
- include: "*.view.lookml" # include all the views
- include: "*.dashboard.lookml" # include all the dashboards
- explore: stl_load_errors
persist_for: 0 minutes
# persist is 0 so there is no caching. That would be bad for a showing whats "right now"
# history is also available in this table
- explore: stv_recents
persist_for: 0 minutes
# colums table
- explore: tbl_col_summary
from: custom_table_colmn_info
persist_for: 0 minutes
# summary table
- explore: tbl_summary
from: custom_table_summary_info
persist_for: 0 minutes
- view: stl_load_errors
sql_table_name: pg_catalog.stl_load_errors
- dimension: col_length
sql: ${TABLE}.col_length
- dimension: colname
sql: ${TABLE}.colname
- dimension: err_code
type: int
sql: ${TABLE}.err_code
- dimension: err_reason
sql: ${TABLE}.err_reason
- dimension: filename
sql: ${TABLE}.filename
- dimension: line_number
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.line_number
- dimension: position
type: int
sql: ${TABLE}.position
- dimension: query
type: int
sql: ${TABLE}.query
- dimension: raw_field_value
sql: ${TABLE}.raw_field_value
- dimension: raw_line
sql: ${TABLE}.raw_line
- dimension: session
type: int
sql: ${TABLE}.session
- dimension: slice
type: int
sql: ${TABLE}.slice
- dimension_group: starttime
type: time
timeframes: [time, date, week, month]
sql: ${TABLE}.starttime
- dimension: tbl
type: int
sql: ${TABLE}.tbl
- dimension: type
sql: ${TABLE}.type
- dimension: userid
type: int
hidden: true
sql: ${TABLE}.userid
- measure: count
type: count
drill_fields: [colname, filename,]
# test
- view: stv_recents
sql_table_name: pg_catalog.stv_recents
- dimension: db_name
sql: ${TABLE}.db_name
- dimension: duration
type: int
sql: ${TABLE}.duration
- dimension: pid
type: int
sql: ${TABLE}.pid
- dimension: query
sql: ${TABLE}.query
- dimension_group: starttime
type: time
timeframes: [time, date, week, month]
sql: ${TABLE}.starttime
- dimension: status
sql: ${TABLE}.status
- dimension: user_name
sql: ${TABLE}.user_name
- dimension: userid
type: int
hidden: true
sql: ${TABLE}.userid
- measure: count
type: count
drill_fields: [db_name, user_name,]
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