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Created February 1, 2023 20:42
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Pest grammar for TL-B
("//" ~ (!NEWLINE ~ ANY)*) |
("/*" ~ (!"*/" ~ ANY)* ~ "*/")
tlb_scheme = _{ SOI ~ (declaration)* ~ EOI }
declaration = { constructor ~ type_arg* ~ field_group* ~ "=" ~ output_type ~ ";" }
// Constructor name
constructor = { "_" | (lc_ident ~ constructor_id?) }
constructor_id = _{
("$" ~ (constructor_id_empty | constructor_id_binary)) |
("#" ~ (constructor_id_empty | constructor_id_hex))
constructor_id_binary = @{ ident_char+ }
constructor_id_hex = @{ ident_char+ }
constructor_id_empty = @{ "_" }
// Named type argument
type_arg = { "{" ~ field_ident ~ ":" ~ type_expr ~ "}" }
// Multiple fields
field_group = {
(("_" ~ ":")? ~ "^[" ~ field_group ~ "]") |
(field | guard_expr)+
// Field with name or unnamed
field = { field_named | type_expr }
// Field with name
field_named = { field_ident_anon ~ ":" ~ conditional_def? ~ type_expr }
// Optional field which is set only if the specified bit is set
conditional_def = { field_ident ~ "." ~ nat_const ~ "?" }
// Type expression
type_expr = {
nat_const |
nat_type |
type_ident |
type_in_cell |
( "(" ~ (nat_type_eq_bits | nat_type_le_bits | nat_type_lt_bits) ~ ")" ) |
( "(" ~ type_nat_expr ~ ")" ) |
( "(" ~ type_ident ~ type_expr* ~ ")" )
// Put type to the child cell
type_in_cell = { "^" ~ type_expr }
type_nat_expr = { type_ident ~ nat_operator ~ (nat_const | type_ident) }
// Reference to an existing type
type_ident = @{ uc_ident | lc_ident }
// Possibly anonymous field ident
field_ident_anon = @{ field_ident | "_" }
// Field ident
field_ident = @{ lc_ident | uc_ident }
// Guard expression
guard_expr = {
"{" ~ field_ident ~ guard_operator ~ (nat_const | type_ident) ~ "}"
// Comparison operator
guard_operator = @{ "<=" | "<" | "=" | ">=" | ">" }
// Output type with type parameters substitution
output_type = { uc_ident ~ type_expr* }
// Ident starting from the lowercase letter
lc_ident = @{ ASCII_ALPHA_LOWER ~ ident_char* }
// Ident starting from the uppercase letter
uc_ident = @{ ASCII_ALPHA_UPPER ~ ident_char* }
// [a-zA-Z0-9_]
ident_char = @{ ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC | "_" }
// Operator for idents with nat consts
nat_operator = @{ "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" }
// Alias to uint32
nat_type = @{ "#" }
// N-bit integer
nat_type_eq_bits = { "##" ~ (nat_const | type_ident) }
// Variable integer with at most N bits
nat_type_le_bits = { "#<=" ~ (nat_const | type_ident) }
// Variable integer with less than N bits
nat_type_lt_bits = { "#<" ~ (nat_const | type_ident) }
// Constants
nat_const = @{ ASCII_DIGIT+ }
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