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Reza Sajadian RezaSajadian

  • I&SI SPA
  • London, UK
  • 01:55 (UTC)
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RezaSajadian / git-version-control.markdown
Created July 24, 2018 10:26 — forked from albatrocity/git-version-control.markdown
Some basic Git instructions for Github for Mac and the command line

Using Git version control for code projects

Creating a new code repo from a local working copy

  1. From the repositories view in the app, drag the project folder to the bottom of the left sidebar.
  2. Hit "Yes" when it asks if you want to create a local git repository
  3. Go to "Changes" view (⌘2)
  4. Select the files that you want to commit their current state to the repository. You can view the changes of the file by clicking on the double up arrow on the file name bar.