I am really impressed with the message of the video He is right! Publishing misinformation is the worst thing you can do to a community. And these claims are never made by the people who really know linux(e.g. not for Linux Torvalds). Points to clarify:
Malware: Obviously it can be bugged! There is no silver bullet/shield to protect from anything. But remember this is your system so you can write your own scripts to protect yourself.
Disk defragment: Yes you should defrag/+ cleanup. Period.
Reboots: Undoubtedly you have to reboot your machine sometimes! See it from as an insider, say you are a system process thread running on a machine. To kill that and start that again, might need some dependent threads to be killed too. So it some cases you have to do a reboot there is no other way. For example, processes like ssh daemon. In his case(firefox update) if he knew exactly which threads to be reboots he might be able to do it without a reboot.
Hard-drive modularity: Come on! He is right. It's