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Created June 5, 2016 09:04
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Uniqueness functions that preserve order in Python
import random
import itertools
import timeit
import re
def f1(seq):
''' continue '''
seen = set()
result = []
for item in seq:
if item in seen:
return result
def f2(seq):
''' if-not '''
seen = set()
result = []
for item in seq:
if item not in seen:
return result
def f3(seq):
''' continue and cached lookups '''
seen = set()
result = []
seen_add = seen.add
result_append = result.append
for item in seq:
if item in seen:
return result
def f4(seq):
''' if-not and cached lookups '''
seen = set()
result = []
seen_add = seen.add
result_append = result.append
for item in seq:
if item not in seen:
return result
def f5(seq):
''' list comprehension '''
seen = set()
return [item for item in seq if item not in seen and not seen.add(item)]
def f6(seq):
''' list comprehension with cached lookup '''
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
return [item for item in seq if item not in seen and not seen_add(item)]
def gen_test_data(total, unique):
items = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(range(unique)), total))
return items
test_sizes = [8**n for n in range(3, 8)]
for uniq_factor in (1, 0.8, 0.5, 0.1):
print('uniqueness factor {}'.format(uniq_factor))
print('n= {}'.format(' '.join(format(n, '12') for n in test_sizes)))
for fname, doc in sorted((fname, func.__doc__) for fname, func in globals().items() if re.match(r'f\d+$', fname)):
results = []
for n in test_sizes:
test_data = gen_test_data(n, int(n * uniq_factor))
results.append(min(timeit.repeat(fname + '(test_data)', repeat=3, number=1, globals=globals())))
print('{:2} {} {}'.format(fname, ' '.join(format(t * 1e3, '12f') for t in results), doc))
uniqueness factor 1
n= 512 4096 32768 262144 2097152
f1 0.121672 0.886637 7.693327 71.831190 778.051205 continue
f2 0.127394 0.935728 7.731876 73.947193 770.246445 if-not
f3 0.096374 0.695697 5.881201 56.200590 636.565966 continue and cached lookups
f4 0.095470 0.667086 5.628823 55.815396 635.029108 if-not and cached lookups
f5 0.090049 0.611069 5.362290 52.788360 627.457453 list comprehension
f6 0.067160 0.478254 4.070883 43.047395 542.564623 list comprehension with cached lookup
uniqueness factor 0.8
n= 512 4096 32768 262144 2097152
f1 0.110227 0.761954 6.468779 60.635584 676.896829 continue
f2 0.110227 0.754124 6.543469 59.815806 677.945194 if-not
f3 0.082821 0.605347 5.133101 47.713987 568.023527 continue and cached lookups
f4 0.082520 0.571014 4.814466 47.184836 567.102255 if-not and cached lookups
f5 0.077099 0.532766 4.687674 45.528414 549.348424 list comprehension
f6 0.072581 0.436994 3.611301 37.725462 491.662174 list comprehension with cached lookup
uniqueness factor 0.5
n= 512 4096 32768 262144 2097152
f1 0.074991 0.569508 4.538295 39.820986 487.903903 continue
f2 0.073485 0.588783 4.446740 40.104987 475.449116 if-not
f3 0.058125 0.432477 3.492641 31.561163 414.122051 continue and cached lookups
f4 0.057824 0.434284 3.380305 31.197653 405.755916 if-not and cached lookups
f5 0.055114 0.414407 3.210748 29.628570 395.969775 list comprehension
f6 0.046982 0.345740 2.664129 25.536605 358.497896 list comprehension with cached lookup
uniqueness factor 0.1
n= 512 4096 32768 262144 2097152
f1 0.032225 0.227683 1.839833 15.750766 154.170419 continue
f2 0.030117 0.224972 1.710933 15.091510 149.150858 if-not
f3 0.029816 0.222563 1.618776 14.075671 139.887243 continue and cached lookups
f4 0.027105 0.195157 1.527823 13.564289 135.744682 if-not and cached lookups
f5 0.035237 0.193651 1.550712 13.297153 135.922672 list comprehension
f6 0.025900 0.190940 1.443496 12.561702 130.104415 list comprehension with cached lookup
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