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Created November 9, 2018 13:40
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Platform wishlist

Platform wishlist

An unconnected list of things it'd be nice to have in the platform. I may add to this over time


Is this ever going to happen? SVG 1.1 is really showing its age, and it feels like something browser vendors have long since stopped caring about


It would be lovely if it was possible to hook into Cmd-F somehow so that we could provide (for example) a way to search through windowed lists and datagrids without having to implement it from scratch

Spring physics

Native UI design often makes heavy use of spring physics. On the web, if we're trying to keep animations off the main thread, we can use CSS or Web Animations, but both are timeline-based — we're restricted to a limited range of easing functions. It would be great if it were possible to express spring physics without resorting to JavaScript

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