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Created September 8, 2011 01:07
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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" v0.2
Filter relocated lines from a unified diff format stream.
Offered under the terms of the MIT License at
Taken from
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
RED = 31
GREEN = 32
RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
COLOR_SEQ = "\033[0;%dm"
def inverse(line):
Swap a delta line between + and -
return ('-' if line[0] == '+' else '+') + line[1:].strip()
def reverse_enumerate(lst):
A handy generator
for index, value in enumerate(reversed(lst)):
yield len(lst) - 1 - index, value
def dumpchanges(stack, options):
Redender output. Called for each disparate file in the diff.
for line in stack:
if options.plain:
print line.strip()
seq = COLOR_SEQ % (GREEN if line.startswith('+') else RED)
print seq + line.strip() + RESET_SEQ
stack[:] = []
def main():
The primary logic
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: cat diff.patch | %prog [-p]",
description="Filter relocated lines from a unified diff format stream.",
version="%prog 0.2",
epilog="Offered under the terms of the MIT License at")
parser.add_option("-p", "--plain", action="store_true", dest="plain",
default=False, help="don't highlight output")
options = parser.parse_args()[0]
stack = []
for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
if not line[1:].strip():
continue # ignore empty lines
if line.startswith(('---', '+++')):
dumpchanges(stack, options)
print line.strip()
elif line.startswith(('+', '-')):
inverted = inverse(line)
line = line[0] + line[1:].strip()
for i, match in reverse_enumerate(stack):
if inverted == match:
# finished reading, still have state to be dumped
dumpchanges(stack, options)
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pgampe commented Jun 16, 2012

This fails if intention is changed?

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