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RichardScottOZ /
Created November 2, 2024 06:08 — forked from ljstrnadiii/
Resample/Reproject Cogs w/ Dask + Rioxarray
import logging
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
import threading
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import rioxarray
import xarray as xr
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
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RichardScottOZ / vectorized_sklearn_xr.ipynb
Created April 27, 2024 19:05 — forked from aaronspring/vectorized_sklearn_xr.ipynb
vectorized `sklearn` with `xarray`
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RichardScottOZ /
Created September 10, 2023 21:47 — forked from crasm/
Shell script for merging TheBloke's .gguf-split model files
log() {
format="$1"; shift
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
>&2 printf "$format\n" "$@"
usage() {
>&2 cat <<EOF
RichardScottOZ / mars_quads.geojson
Created November 23, 2022 20:20 — forked from AndrewAnnex/Rgb_encode_mars.ipynb
Terrain RGB encoding for planets
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RichardScottOZ /
Last active March 16, 2022 08:42 — forked from kwinkunks/
Rip data from a pseudocolour image, given the colourmap

Ripping data from pseudocolour images

Because viridis, like all good colourmaps, is perceptually linear, it's easy to get the data from it: just use a greyscale version of the image. But you can rip the data from any pseudocolour image if you know (or can guess) the colourmap.

In the example, here's the approach:

  1. Read the image and transform the values to the range 0-1.
  2. Guess the colourmap, in this case it's viridis. Matplotlib conveniently gives us the RGB triples that make up a colourmap.
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RichardScottOZ / esri_mess.ipynb
Created June 27, 2021 04:59 — forked from alexgleith/esri_mess.ipynb
Find all the possible ESRI Land Cover scene and put them in a big list.
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RichardScottOZ / stackstac_NASA_HLS.ipynb
Created April 19, 2021 05:24 — forked from rmg55/stackstac_NASA_HLS.ipynb
using stackstac with NASA HLS S30 catalog
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