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Last active August 9, 2018 15:16
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TokenTrader Project Audit Report

1. Summary

This document is a security audit report performed by RideSolo, where TokenTrader Project has been reviewed.

The TokenTrader and TokenSeller implement decentralise and trustless exchange functions to allow market makers to list an Ethereum smart contract to buy and/or sell ERC20-compliant digital assets for ethers and in the same time market takers can execute a transaction against the Maker's contract to buy or sell the digital assets.

2. In scope

2.1. Excluded

3. Findings

1 issues were reported including:

  • 1 minor remark.

3.1. Deprecated Warnings

Severity: minor


Due to the contract compiler version and to the date of deployment, some minor issues were raised by the compiler but this is related only with newer version of solidity compiler.

4. Conclusion

No issues related with security or contract operability were found, this contract is safe and has been deployed with solidity compiler version equal or higher to 0.4.4.

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