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Last active September 15, 2017 21:28
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Collect a list of IPv4 addresses into contiguous range blocks.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Given a list of IP addresses (or IP address ranges), one per line (with ranges given as "IP1-IP2"),
return a list of IP address ranges that represent the smallest possible list of IP address ranges
that does not contain any addresses not represented in the input list.
Only supports IPv4.
import sys
import struct
import json
def ip2int(ip):
Convert an IPv4 address to a 32-bit unsigned interger.
return struct.unpack(">L",
''.join([chr(int(c)) for c in ip.split(".")]))[0]
def parse_line(l):
Given an input line, determine whether it is a single address or a range, and return either an
unsigned 32-bit integer, or a list of two unsigned 32-bit integers representing the start and
end of the range.
l = l.replace(" ", "")
if "-" in l:
r = [ip2int(ip) for ip in l.split("-")]
if r[0] == r[1]:
return r[0]
return r
return ip2int(l)
def int2ip(ip):
Given an IPv4 address represented as a 32-bit unsigned integer, return the dotted-decmal
return ".".join([str(ord(c)) for c in struct.pack(">L", ip)])
def merge_adjacent(ipr1, ipr2):
Return the result of merging ipr1 and ipr2 if they are adjacent, and return return None if they
are not adjacent
Assumes that ipr1 starts before or at ipr2.
if isinstance(ipr1, list) and isinstance(ipr2, list):
# List intersection only happens if the end of the first is immediately before (or later)
# the start of teh second list. The intersection ends at the max of the two intervals and
# starts where the first one starts.
# This handles when the the second interval is contained in the first.
if ipr1[1] >= ipr2[0] - 1:
return [[ipr1[0], max(ipr2[1], ipr1[1])]]
elif isinstance(ipr1, list) and isinstance(ipr2, int):
# If the first one is a list, it may contain the second point entirely or the second point
# may represent an extension of the end of the interval.
if ipr1[0] <= ipr2 <= ipr1[1]:
return [ipr1]
elif ipr1[1] == ipr2 - 1:
return [[ipr1[0], ipr2]]
elif isinstance(ipr1, int) and isinstance(ipr2, list):
# If the second is a list, the first may represent an extension of the beginning of the
# range
if ipr2[0] == ipr1 + 1:
return [[ipr1, ipr2[1]]]
elif isinstance(ipr1, int) and isinstance(ipr2, int):
# If they are both integers, then they need to be adjacent to be a list, otherwise they are
# compressed to a single point.
if ipr1 == ipr2:
return [ipr1]
elif ipr1 == ipr2 - 1:
return [[ipr1, ipr2]]
return None
def __main():
# Parse the input lines into ints
ips = [parse_line(l) for l in sys.stdin]
# Sort the input addresses so that they are ordered by address, using the start of the range for
# any input ranges.
ips.sort(key=lambda ip: ip[0] if isinstance(ip, list) else ip)
# Store any complete compressed ranges here
output_ranges = []
# Store any currently active ranges (ranges that have been encountered, but where the end of the
# is still after the last address (or the start of a range) that we have processed.
active_ranges = []
# If there's no IPs in the list, obviously just give up.
if len(ips) == 0:
print json.dumps(ips)
for ip in ips[1:]:
new_ars = []
merged = False
for ar in active_ranges:
# For each active range, determine if there is adjacency with the current IP
merge = merge_adjacent(ar, ip)
if merge is None:
new_ars += merge
merged = True
if not merged:
active_ranges = sorted(
new_ars, key=lambda a: a[0] if isinstance(a, list) else a)
ranges = [
"-".join([int2ip(ip) for ip in r])
if isinstance(r, list) else int2ip(r) for r in active_ranges
print "\n".join(ranges)
def generate_ranges(nranges, range_max_size=768):
import random
ranges = [
(lambda s=random.randint(0, 2**32-1-range_max_size):
[s, s+random.randint(0, range_max_size-1)])() for _ in xrange(nranges)]
print "\n".join([
"-".join([int2ip(ip) for ip in r])
if isinstance(r, list) else int2ip(r) for r in ranges
if __name__ == "__main__":
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