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Last active September 6, 2019 15:44
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serverless-webpack: multi compile option
'use strict';
const BbPromise = require('bluebird');
const _ = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const archiver = require('archiver');
const fs = require('fs');
const glob = require('glob');
const semver = require('semver');
function setArtifactPath(funcName, func, artifactPath) {
const version = this.serverless.getVersion();
// Serverless changed the artifact path location in version 1.18
if (, '1.18.0')) {
func.artifact = artifactPath;
func.package = _.assign({}, func.package, { disable: true });
this.serverless.cli.log(`${funcName} is packaged by the webpack plugin. Ignore messages from SLS.`);
} else {
func.package = {
artifact: artifactPath,
function zip(directory, name) {
const zip = archiver.create('zip');
// Create artifact in temp path and move it to the package path (if any) later
const artifactFilePath = path.join(this.serverless.config.servicePath,
const output = fs.createWriteStream(artifactFilePath);
const files = glob.sync('**', {
cwd: directory,
dot: true,
silent: true,
follow: true,
if (_.isEmpty(files)) {
const error = new this.serverless
.classes.Error('Packaging: No files found');
return BbPromise.reject(error);
output.on('open', () => {
_.forEach(files, filePath => {
const fullPath = path.resolve(
const stats = fs.statSync(fullPath);
if (!stats.isDirectory(fullPath)) {
zip.append(fs.readFileSync(fullPath), {
name: filePath,
mode: stats.mode,
date: new Date(0), // necessary to get the same hash when zipping the same content
return new BbPromise((resolve, reject) => {
output.on('close', () => resolve(artifactFilePath));
zip.on('error', (err) => reject(err));
module.exports = {
packageModules() {
const stats = this.compileStats;
return BbPromise.mapSeries(stats.stats, (compileStats, index) => {
let entryFunction = _.find(this.entryFunctions, function(entry) {
const compileName = entry.funcName || _.camelCase(entry.entry.key);
return compileStats.compilation.compiler.outputPath.endsWith(compileName);
if (!entryFunction) { entryFunction = {}; }
const filename = `${entryFunction.funcName || this.serverless.service.getServiceObject().name}.zip`;
const modulePath = compileStats.compilation.compiler.outputPath;
if (_.get(this.serverless, 'service.package.individually') && !entryFunction.func) {
return BbPromise.resolve();
const startZip =;
return, modulePath, filename)
.tap(() => this.options.verbose &&
this.serverless.cli.log(`Zip ${_.isEmpty(entryFunction) ? 'service' : 'function'}: ${modulePath} [${ - startZip} ms]`))
.then(artifactPath => {
if (_.get(this.serverless, 'service.package.individually')) {, entryFunction.funcName, entryFunction.func, path.relative(this.serverless.config.servicePath, artifactPath));
return artifactPath;
.then(artifacts => {
if (!_.get(this.serverless, 'service.package.individually') && !_.isEmpty(artifacts)) {
// Set the service artifact to all functions
const allFunctionNames = this.serverless.service.getAllFunctions();
_.forEach(allFunctionNames, funcName => {
const func = this.serverless.service.getFunction(funcName);, funcName, func, path.relative(this.serverless.config.servicePath, artifacts[0]));
// For Google set the service artifact path
if (_.get(this.serverless, '') === 'google') {
_.set(this.serverless, 'service.package.artifact', path.relative(this.serverless.config.servicePath, artifacts[0]));
return null;
'use strict';
const BbPromise = require('bluebird');
const path = require('path');
const fse = require('fs-extra');
const glob = require('glob');
const lib = require('./index');
const _ = require('lodash');
const Configuration = require('./Configuration');
* For automatic entry detection we sort the found files to solve ambiguities.
* This should cover most of the cases. For complex setups the user should
* build his own entries with help of the other exports.
const preferredExtensions = [ '.js', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx' ];
module.exports = {
validate() {
const getHandlerFile = handler => {
// Check if handler is a well-formed path based handler.
const handlerEntry = /(.*)\..*?$/.exec(handler);
if (handlerEntry) {
return handlerEntry[1];
const getEntryExtension = fileName => {
const files = glob.sync(`${fileName}.*`, {
cwd: this.serverless.config.servicePath,
nodir: true,
ignore: this.configuration.excludeFiles ? this.configuration.excludeFiles : undefined
if (_.isEmpty(files)) {
// If we cannot find any handler we should terminate with an error
throw new this.serverless.classes.Error(
`No matching handler found for '${fileName}' in '${this.serverless.config.servicePath}'. Check your service definition.`
// Move preferred file extensions to the beginning
const sortedFiles = _.uniq(
_.sortBy(_.filter(files, file => _.includes(preferredExtensions, path.extname(file))), a => _.size(a)),
if (_.size(sortedFiles) > 1) {
`WARNING: More than one matching handlers found for '${fileName}'. Using '${_.first(sortedFiles)}'.`
return path.extname(_.first(sortedFiles));
const getEntryForFunction = (name, serverlessFunction) => {
const handler = serverlessFunction.handler;
const handlerFile = getHandlerFile(handler);
if (!handlerFile) {
_.get(this.serverless, '') !== 'google' &&
`\nWARNING: Entry for ${name}@${handler} could not be retrieved.\nPlease check your service config if you want to use lib.entries.`
return {};
const ext = getEntryExtension(handlerFile);
// Create a valid entry key
return {
[handlerFile]: `./${handlerFile}${ext}`
// Initialize plugin configuration
this.configuration = new Configuration(this.serverless.service.custom);
this.options.verbose &&
this.serverless.cli.log(`Using configuration:\n${JSON.stringify(this.configuration, null, 2)}`);
if (this.configuration.hasLegacyConfig) {
'Legacy configuration detected. Consider to use "custom.webpack" as object (see README).'
this.webpackConfig = this.configuration.config || this.configuration.webpackConfig;
// Expose entries - must be done before requiring the webpack configuration
const entries = {};
const functions = this.serverless.service.getAllFunctions();
if (this.options.function) {
const serverlessFunction = this.serverless.service.getFunction(this.options.function);
const entry =, this.options.function, serverlessFunction);
_.merge(entries, entry);
} else {
_.forEach(functions, (func, index) => {
const entry =, functions[index], this.serverless.service.getFunction(func));
_.merge(entries, entry);
// Expose service file and options
lib.serverless = this.serverless;
lib.options = this.options;
lib.entries = entries;
if (_.isString(this.webpackConfig)) {
const webpackConfigFilePath = path.join(this.serverless.config.servicePath, this.webpackConfig);
if (!this.serverless.utils.fileExistsSync(webpackConfigFilePath)) {
return BbPromise.reject(
new this.serverless.classes.Error(
'The webpack plugin could not find the configuration file at: ' + webpackConfigFilePath
try {
this.webpackConfig = require(webpackConfigFilePath);
} catch (err) {
this.serverless.cli.log(`Could not load webpack config '${webpackConfigFilePath}'`);
return BbPromise.reject(err);
// Intermediate function to handle async webpack config
const applyDefaults = compile => {
// Default context
if (!compile.context) {
compile.context = this.serverless.config.servicePath;
// Default target
if (! { = 'node';
// Default output
if (!compile.output || _.isEmpty(compile.output)) {
const outputPath = path.join(this.serverless.config.servicePath, '.webpack');
compile.output = {
libraryTarget: 'commonjs',
path: outputPath,
filename: '[name].js'
// Custom output path
if (this.options.out) {
compile.output.path = path.join(this.serverless.config.servicePath, this.options.out);
if (!this.keepOutputDirectory) {
this.options.verbose && this.serverless.cli.log(`Removing ${compile.output.path}`);
const processConfig = _config => {
this.webpackConfig = _config;
if (_.isArray(this.webpackConfig)) {
// passed multiCompiler
// @see
let isOutputPathDifferent = false;
_.forEach(this.webpackConfig, compile => {
if (!this.webpackOutputPath) {
this.webpackOutputPath = compile.output.path;
if (this.webpackOutputPath != compile.output.path) {
isOutputPathDifferent = true;
const packageIndividually = _.has(this.serverless, 'service.package') && this.serverless.service.package.individually ? true : false;
// in case of multi compile config, user has to provide config for each function
if (!packageIndividually && isOutputPathDifferent) {
return BbPromise.reject(
new this.serverless.classes.Error(
'All multi compile config should have same output.path when package individually is false.'
this.multiCompile = true;
} else {
// single
this.webpackOutputPath = this.webpackConfig.output.path;
// In case of individual packaging we have to create a separate config for each function
if (_.has(this.serverless, 'service.package') && this.serverless.service.package.individually) {
this.options.verbose && this.serverless.cli.log('Using multi-compile (individual packaging)');
this.multiCompile = true;
if (this.webpackConfig.entry && !_.isEqual(this.webpackConfig.entry, entries)) {
return BbPromise.reject(
new this.serverless.classes.Error(
'Webpack entry must be automatically resolved when package.individually is set to true. ' +
'In webpack.config.js, remove the entry declaration or set entry to slsw.lib.entries.'
// Lookup associated Serverless functions
const allEntryFunctions =, funcName => {
const func = this.serverless.service.getFunction(funcName);
const handler = func.handler;
const handlerFile = path.relative('.', getHandlerFile(handler));
return {
this.entryFunctions = _.flatMap(entries, (value, key) => {
const entry = path.relative('.', value);
const entryFile = _.replace(entry, new RegExp(`${path.extname(entry)}$`), '');
const entryFuncs = _.filter(allEntryFunctions, [ 'handlerFile', entryFile ]);
if (_.isEmpty(entryFuncs)) {
// We have to make sure that for each entry there is an entry function item.
_.forEach(entryFuncs, entryFunc => {
entryFunc.entry = {
return entryFuncs;
// if single config provided, then only create a multi config
if (!_.isArray(this.webpackConfig)) {
this.webpackConfig =, entryFunc => {
const config = _.cloneDeep(this.webpackConfig);
config.entry = {
[entryFunc.entry.key]: entryFunc.entry.value
const compileName = entryFunc.funcName || _.camelCase(entryFunc.entry.key);
config.output.path = path.join(config.output.path, compileName);
return config;
} else {
// multi compile config count >= number of functions
if (this.webpackConfig.length < this.entryFunctions.length) {
return BbPromise.reject(
new this.serverless.classes.Error(
'Provide webpack config for each function defined.'
// verify that each function has entry point and output.path appended as function name
let anyFunctionFoundWithoutConfig = false;
_.forEach(this.entryFunctions, entryFunc => {
const functionConfig = this.webpackConfig.find(config => {
const compileName = entryFunc.funcName || _.camelCase(entryFunc.entry.key);
if (_.isObjectLike(config.entry)) {
return _.isEqual(config.entry, {[entryFunc.entry.key]: entryFunc.entry.value})
&& config.output.path.endsWith(compileName);
} else if (_.isString(config.entry)) {
return config.entry === entryFunc.entry.value
&& config.output.path.endsWith(compileName);
if (!functionConfig) {
anyFunctionFoundWithoutConfig = true;
if (anyFunctionFoundWithoutConfig) {
return BbPromise.reject(
new this.serverless.classes.Error(
'Provide webpack config for each function with correct entry and webpack compile output path. ' +
'Automatic webpack entry detection is disabled with user provided multi config and package ' +
'individually is set.'
// finally set the this.webpackOutputPath
= this.webpackConfig[0].output.path.substring(0, this.webpackConfig[0].output.path.lastIndexOf('/'));
} else {
if (_.isArray(this.webpackConfig)) {
_.forEach(this.webpackConfig, config => {
config.output.path = path.join(config.output.path, 'service');
} else {
this.webpackConfig.output.path = path.join(this.webpackConfig.output.path, 'service');
if (this.skipCompile) {
this.serverless.cli.log('Skipping build and using existing compiled output');
if (!fse.pathExistsSync(this.webpackOutputPath)) {
return BbPromise.reject(new this.serverless.classes.Error('No compiled output found'));
this.keepOutputDirectory = true;
return BbPromise.resolve();
// Webpack config can be a Promise, If it's a Promise wait for resolved config object.
if (this.webpackConfig && _.isFunction(this.webpackConfig.then)) {
return BbPromise.resolve(this.webpackConfig.then(config => processConfig(config)));
} else {
return processConfig(this.webpackConfig);
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