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Created July 16, 2014 06:47
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(ns clj_js)
(def ^:export clj-js cljs.core/clj->js)
(defn ^:export js-clj
([x] (cljs.core/js->clj x))
([x keywordize-keys] (cljs.core/js->clj x :keywordize-keys keywordize-keys)))
(ns func
(:refer-clojure :exclude
[count distinct empty first rest seq conj cons find nth last assoc dissoc
get-in update-in assoc-in fnil disj pop peek hash get empty? reverse
take drop partition partition-by iterate into merge subvec
take-while drop-while group-by
interpose interleave concat flatten
keys select-keys vals
map mapcat reduce reduce-kv filter remove some every? equiv
range repeat repeatedly sort sort-by
partial comp juxt
identity constantly
list vector array-map hash-map zipmap set sorted-set keyword symbol
sorted-set-by sorted-map sorted-map-by
sum inc dec even? odd? subseq
(def ^:export vector cljs.core/vector)
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