$ youtube-dl --list-extractors | grep udemy
- Get link to the course to download. e.g. https://www.udemy.com/course-name/
- Login into udemy website, save the cookie from chrome using Chrome (Cookie.txt)1 export extension. Save it to file udemy-cookies.txt
- Get the link of the video that you want to download. usually in format. Use the command provided below where you have to replace the {course_link} and {path_to_cookies_file} with respective paths.
$ youtube-dl {course_link} --cookies {path_to_cookies_file}
$ youtube-dl --cookies ./udemy-cookies.txt https://www.udemy.com/course-name/
- If you have previously installed
, you should update it before attempting to download your Udemy courses$ youtube-dl -U
- If you want your videos to be organized by chapter and the indices included, you can specify the output flag
$ youtube-dl --cookies ./udemy-cookies.txt -o '%(playlist)s/%(chapter_number)s - %(chapter)s/%(playlist_index)s. %(title)s.%(ext)s' https://www.udemy.com/course-name/
Download sub EN and sort video folder