If you don't have npm initialized in your project scope, run npm init -y
npm install sass --save-dev
Refer to: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/ -
Add, to your package.json, on the scripts object:
"scripts": { "sass": "sass" },
Create a new folder Styles, with an app.scss file there - this'll be your global styling solution
On your project's .csproj, add:
Watch for SCSS file changes (when using dotnet watch - more info here):
<Watch Include="**\*.scss" />
<None Update="**\*.css" watch="false" />
Create a task to compile scss to css (before Build compilation starts) (Credits)
<Target Name="CompileGlobalSass" BeforeTargets="Compile">
<Message Text="Compiling global SCSS file" Importance="high" />
<Exec Command="npm run sass Styles:wwwroot/css Pages:Pages Shared:Shared --style=compressed --no-source-map --load-path=Styles --update" />
Note: This'll compile your scss files onto css and keep the same name as your scss file. For the Blazor CSS isolation to work, your scss/css file must have the same name as your component. e.g.: NavMenu.razor component should have a scss file called NavMenu.razor.scss, which will be compiled onto NavMenu.razor.css and allow for CSS isolation to work.
More on Blazor CSS isolation: https://github.com/dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs/blob/main/aspnetcore/blazor/components/css-isolation.md