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Last active July 2, 2018 20:45
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  • Save RobertFischer/5a006750e2cd9706fb112d40ca94177a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RobertFischer/5a006750e2cd9706fb112d40ca94177a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Merges together Colors and BrandingImages into a single
* coherent branding structure.
* Using the function `brandingFromRedux` in `mapStateToProps` will give you
* a single object containing all the branding colors and images. If you return the
* object that we generate here (possibly with some other additions) as the `props` for
* your component, then you can use whatever you want from the branding colors and images
* without having to think about defaulting or wiring up additional fields or whatever.
* eg:
const mapStateToProps = (reduxState) => {
const providerKey = "patientData.providerCode";
const providerCode = _.get(reduxState, providerKey, "BEEWELL");
return { primary: _.get(Colors, [providerCode, "primary"]),
secondary: _.get(Colors, [providerCode, "secondary"]),
tertiary: _.get(Colors, [providerCode, "tertiary"]),
profile1: _.get(BrandingImages, [providerCode, "profile1"]),
profile2: _.get(BrandingImages, [providerCode, "profile2"]),
profile3: _.get(BrandingImages, [providerCode, "profile3"]),
iconImage: _.get(BrandingImages, [providerCode, "icon"]),
* becomes:
const mapStateToProps = brandingFromRedux
* And if you would like to provider more properties in addition to branding, you can do this:
const mapStateToProps = (reduxState) => {
const brandingProps = brandingFromRedux(reduxState);
return _.merge(brandingProps, {other,props,go,here});
import _ from "lodash";
import * as BrandingColors from '../res/styling/Colors'; // Adjusts these paths as necessary
import * as BrandingImages from './Images'; // Adjust this path as necessary
export function brandingFromRedux(reduxStore) {
// Configuration values
const providerKey = "patientData.providerCode";
const defaultProviderCode = "BEEWELL";
// Get the code and the branding data for the provider
const providerCode = _.get(reduxState, providerKey, defaultProviderCode);
const brandingData = _.get(BrandingColors, providerCode, {});
const brandingImages = _.get(BrandingImages, providerCode, {});
// Now get the BEEWELL branding data, because that's what we will use as a default
const beewellData = _.get(BrandingColors, defaultProviderCode, {});
const beewellImages = _.get(BrandingImages, defaultProviderCode, {});
// Figure out what we mean when we say "logo" or "logoImage"...
const logo = _.find([
brandingImages.logo, brandingImages.logoImage,
beewellImages.logo, beewellImages.logoImage
// Provide some safety from this popular misspelling.
const terciary = _.find([
brandingData.tertiary, brandingData.terciary,
beewellData.tertiary, beewellData.terciary,
brandingData.secondary, beewellData.secondary
// Now create the unified object
return _.mergeDeep({},
beewellImages, beewellData,
{tertiary: terciary, terciary, logoImage:logo, logo}, // Aliases, data fix-ups, etc.
brandingImages, brandingData
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