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Last active February 8, 2017 14:34
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Modify R package BEST's plotPost function to include other font family for Brazilian Political Science Review research note
plot.BEST_2 <-
function(x, which=c("mean", "sd", "effect", "nu"), credMass=0.95,
ROPE=NULL, compVal=0, showCurve=FALSE, ...) {
# This function plots the posterior distribution for one selected item.
# Description of arguments:
# x is mcmc.list object of the type returned by function BESTmcmc.
# which indicates which item should be displayed; possible values are "mean", "sd",
# "effect" or "nu".
# ROPE is a two element vector, such as c(-1,1), specifying the limit
# of the ROPE.
# compVal is a scalar specifying the value for comparison.
# showCurve if TRUE the posterior should be displayed as a fitted density curve
# instead of a histogram (default).
# TODO additional sanity checks.
# Sanity checks:
if(!inherits(x, "data.frame"))
stop("x is not a valid BEST object")
if(ncol(x) == 3 && all(colnames(x) == c("mu","nu","sigma"))) {
oneGrp <- TRUE
} else if (ncol(x) == 5 && all(colnames(x) == c("mu1", "mu2","nu","sigma1","sigma2"))) {
oneGrp <- FALSE
} else {
stop("x is not a valid BEST object")
# Deal with ... argument
dots <- list(...)
if(length(dots) == 1 && class(dots[[1]]) == "list")
dots <- dots[[1]]
whichID <- match.arg(which)
toPlot <- switch(whichID,
mean = if(oneGrp) x$mu else x$mu1 - x$mu2,
sd = if(oneGrp) x$sigma else x$sigma1 - x$sigma2,
effect = if(oneGrp) (x$mu - compVal) / x$sigma else
(x$mu1 - x$mu2) /
sqrt( ( x$sigma1^2 + x$sigma2^2 ) / 2 ),
nu = log10(x$nu) )
dots$main <- switch(whichID,
mean = if(oneGrp) "Mean" else "Difference of Means",
sd = if(oneGrp) "Standard Deviation" else "Difference of Std. Dev.s",
effect = "Effect Size",
nu = "Normality")
dots$xlab <- switch(whichID,
mean = if(oneGrp) bquote(mu) else bquote(mu[1] - mu[2]),
sd = if(oneGrp) bquote(sigma) else bquote(sigma[1] - sigma[2]),
effect = if(oneGrp) bquote( (mu-.(compVal)) / sigma ) else
bquote( (mu[1]-mu[2]) / sqrt((sigma[1]^2 +sigma[2]^2 )/2 ) ),
nu = bquote("log10("*nu*")"))
if(whichID=="nu" && !is.null(compVal) && compVal == 0)
compVal <- NULL
if(whichID=="sd" && oneGrp && !is.null(compVal) && compVal == 0)
compVal <- NULL
# Plot posterior distribution of selected item:
histinfo <- plotPost_2(toPlot, credMass=credMass, ROPE=ROPE, showCurve=showCurve,
showMode=whichID != "mean",
compVal=compVal, graphPars=dots)
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