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Last active January 3, 2024 23:20
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Yearly note template

Based on the official GTD yearly review template and this checklist of GTD review items.

Areas of focus

  • Review [[Areas of Focus]]
  • Do any of these need changing?
  • Do I need to add any?
  • Do I need to combine any?
  • Do I need to remove any?

Reflection on last year

  • Review Quarterly Review notes

▶ What were my wins this year?

▶ What am I grateful for?

▶ What risks did I take?

▶ What worked well?

▶ What did not work well and what got in the way?

▶ What unfinished business from this year do I have?

▶ What am I most happy about accomplishing?

▶ Who were the three people who had the greatest impact on my life?

▶ What was the biggest surprise?

▶ What compliment would I like to have received? Given?

▶ What one word or phrase best sums up and describes my experience this year?

Looking ahead to next year

▶ What would I like to be my biggest win?

▶ What advice would I like to give myself?

▶ What would I be most happy about completing in the coming year?

▶ What would I most like to change about myself?

▶ What am I looking forward to learning?

▶ What do I think my biggest risk will be?

▶ Who or what, other than myself, am I most committed to loving and serving?

▶ What about my work am I most committed to changing and improving?

▶ What is one as yet undeveloped talent I am willing to explore?

▶ What brings me the most joy and how am I going to do or have more of that?

▶ What one word or phrase would I like to have as my theme?

Major areas of commitment for next year

Area of FOCUS


(Typically last year's area of focus)


Review of lists, projects, and tasks

  • Deep review of Someday/Maybe list
  • Deep review of Future list
  • Deep review of Archive and Reference materials
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