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Last active January 30, 2025 17:28
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My way of configuring and customizing Elementary OS (linux)

Elementary OS config

This is a simple guide for myself about how to replicate my current eOS setup if I ever need to. These are my themes, customazations and tweaks to the OS, categorized and clearly written down for future me if he ever needs it.

Install software

Install updates

Always update when installing an new OS.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Install or update drivers

AppCenter -> Installed -> Drivers

Install xampp & run xampp

I code a lot in PHP, so I need a local webserver. I use xampp for that.

cd where-you-downloaded-the-file
chmod 755 xampp-linux-*
sudo ./xampp-linux-*
  • start xampp:
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop
  • open xampp gui controll panel:
sudo /opt/lampp/ (or

Install checkinstall

This is a handy program for compiling code yourself.

sudo apt install checkinstall

Install Eddy

Eddy is a great gui program for installing .deb files. You can install it from the AppCenter.

Install Wine & Lutris

For the gamers out there, this is how to install Wine and Lutris :D

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lutris

Install Elementary Tweaks & GNOME Tweaks

I like the window layout to be like in Windows, and I also like the windows to minimize when middleclicking them. For that I use both elementary-tweaks and gnome-tweaks. They are both nice to have. We are gonna need elementary-tweaks when theming anyway.

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip.scott/elementary-tweaks
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get elementary-tweaks gnome-tweaks

Set window layout to windows:
Switchboard -> Tweaks -> Layout -> Windows

Minimize on middle click:
Applications -> GNOME tweaks -> Windows -> Middle click -> Minimize

Install rofi

I like to use a laucher to open apps quickly, and the Applications menu just doesn't work for me. That's why I use Rofi. It is a crazy fast launcher that I really like.

sudo apt install rofi


Fix mic not working

Add options snd-hda-intel model=ref in the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file, and install GNOME ALSA Mixer:

sudo apt install gnome-alsamixer

Then open ALSA Mixer and set it up like in this picture:

Tray indicators

Some apps use the old system tray. To view them in the eOS tray edit /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator-application.desktop and change this line




Now install the old panel indicator from

After relog you should be able to see the icons in the eOS tray.

Assign super key to rofi

I'm used to use the super key to search, because I used Windows for a long time, so I like to assign Rofi to the super key.

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key "'Super_L'"
gsettings set org.pantheon.desktop.gala.behavior overlay-action "albert"

Use rofi as alternative Alt+Tab switcher

I kinda hate the default Alt+Tab switcher in ElementaryOS, so I use Rofi to fix that. This is how to use rofi as Alt+Tab switcher. Make sure you have rofi version 1.6.1 installed for this to work propperly.

Create a new scriptfile called with this content:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

xdotool mousemove 960 540 && rofi -no-config -theme alttab -kb-cancel "Alt+Escape,Escape" -kb-accept-entry '!Alt-Tab,!Alt+Down,!Alt+ISO_Left_Tab,!Alt+Up,Return,!Alt+Alt_L' -kb-row-down 'Alt-Tab,Alt+Down,Down,ISO_Left_Tab' -kb-row-up 'Alt+ISO_Left_Tab,Alt+Up,Up' -show window -selected-row 1 


Now make it executable:

sudo chmod +x ./

Delete default Alt+Tab shortcut in Switchboard -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Windows
Now link to the file you created earlier and assign it to Alt+Tab.

This looks the best using this custom rofi theme I made:

Missing depedencies when installing rofi from source

When installing rofi 1.6.1 from source, there are some missing dependencies. To install those, enter this command:

sudo apt install libxcb-xkb-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libxcb-xrm-dev build-essential cmake extra-cmake-modules xcb

The check version in the default repo's is also outdated, so you need to compile that from source too.

Shell color scripts (by DT)

I like to have the Shell Color Scripts when opening my terminal. It are like these random ascii art things.

git clone
cd shell-color-scripts
rm -rf /opt/shell-color-scripts || return 1
sudo mkdir -p /opt/shell-color-scripts/colorscripts || return 1
sudo cp -rf colorscripts/* /opt/shell-color-scripts/colorscripts
sudo cp /usr/bin/colorscript

I have a few I dont like that much to appear in my terminal because of their size, so to delete those run these commands:

cd /opt/shell-color-scripts/colorscripts
sudo rm tux
sudo rm tiefighter2
sudo rm rupees

Just edit the .bashrc to include the following command at the end of the file:

colorscript -r


I like to add my personal touch to eOS by installing themes and icons. Because it is annoying to do it by hand, I use ocs-url. Just download the .deb file and install it using apt.

Dynamic wallpaper

I like to have a dynamic wallpaper, and for that I use dwall fro adi1090x.

I like aurora the best, but they are all very nice!


I use the inter font (also used in elementary 6 Odin, but I'm on 5.1.7 Hera)

Installation instructions:

cd ~ && mkdir .fonts
cd where-ever-you-downloaded-the-font
cp "Inter Desktop"/*.otf ~/.fonts/

Change the font in Tweaks.
Default font -> Inter Regular 9px
Titlebar fonr -> Inter Semi Bold 9px

GTK+ theme (optional)

I also like to have a MacOS like theme. Don't judge me okay.

  • download 'Mac OS X Theme for Elementary OS':!AplXEYyL!AdAfdwg79P9rElYOzcpOZ2PsQTO4NBSphIf5Jsd3NgI

  • install 'Mac OS X Theme for Elementary OS': (terminal) Open usr/share/icons as administrator then paste both icon folders Dark-Mode and Light-Mode. Open usr/share/themes as administrator then paste all theme folders Sierra-dark, Sierra-dark-solid and Sierra-light-solid.

  • Go to tweaks and change theme

Install icon theme

I have a lot of icon themes I like. These are some of my favorites:

Korla / Kora icons:
MacOS icons:
Paper: sudo apt install paper-icon-theme
Papirus: sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme

I mosty stick with the default eOS icons, but with the Windows style window controls. I made it myself and it can be found here:

Install cursor theme

My favorite cursor theme that I use everywhere is Breeze from KDE:

sudo apt install breeze-cursor-theme

Install a plank theme

I like to theme my dock.

Mac dock:

Sometimes I use it as an taskbar.

ChromeOS dock:

Copy link

Very useful, thanks.

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