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Last active September 3, 2021 02:13
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Save RobinCPC/7d8c4c323c486ad6a078cca9b34c15f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Doxygen deploy in gh-pages and some page can't be seen (content security policy)

In NexMotion API repo, some source file start with capital char (such as NexMotion.h). Doxygen will generate Corresponding html file with underscore (such as _nex_motion_8h.html).

By default, github pages attempt to use Jekyll handles file name with underscores differently, so cause some unsual content policy security error To prevent it, create a file called .nojekyll in the root of your repository / site folder.

# Need to create a .nojekyll file to allow filenames starting with an underscore
# to be seen on the gh-pages site. Therefore creating an empty .nojekyll file.
# Presumably this is only needed when the SHORT_NAMES option in Doxygen is set
# to NO, which it is by default. So creating the file just in case.
echo "" > .nojekyll

when deploy with trvisCI by yaml

  - mkdir build && cd build
  - cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  - make
  - make install
  # create a .nojekyll file to allow filenames starting with an underscore to be seen on the gh-pages site.
  - cd ..
  - echo "" > ./docs/html/.nojekyll

  provider: pages
  skip_cleanup: true
  local_dir: docs/html
  github_token: $GH_REPO_TOKEN
    branch: master



Others similar issue with CSP but not related to doxygen (wrong direction lead by same error message)

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