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Created August 1, 2017 18:11
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import org.rogach.scallop._
import{Serializable, ByteArrayOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream}
val args = Array("--apples", "33")
private class ConfSerializationProxy(@transient private var orig: Conf) extends Serializable {
private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream) {
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
orig = new Conf(in.readObject().asInstanceOf[Array[String]].toList)
private def readResolve(): AnyRef = orig
class Conf(arguments: Seq[String]) extends org.rogach.scallop.ScallopConf(arguments) with Serializable {
val apples = opt[Int](required = true)
protected final def writeReplace(): AnyRef = new ConfSerializationProxy(this)
val conf = new Conf(args)
sc.parallelize(Seq(1,2,3)).map { i =>
println(s"$i: " + conf.apples() + " apples")
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