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Last active March 23, 2018 13:39
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Debian Package Dependency Reducer (python2)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import sys
import subprocess
# This program reduces dependency lists down to their top-level
# dependencies. It works by building a dependency tree obtained by
# repeated invocations of 'apt-cache depends'. It was developed for
# finding dependency list for Debian package (.deb files) control
# files.
# Here is a recommended way to obtain the initial dependency list:
# $ ldd <binary> | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs dpkg --search | cut -d':' -f1 > <list-file>
# This may have duplicates. Though it doesn't matter, you can make the list unique:
# $ sort <list-file> | uniq > <list-file>.uniq
# Now reduce the list to its top-level dependencies:
# $ dpkgdeps <list-file>.uniq
# You could have done this all in one step without the intermediate file:
# $ ldd <binary> | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs dpkg --search | cut -d':' -f1 | dpkgdeps
def grab_deps(x):
m = re.match(" *Depends: *([^<>]*)$",x)
if m is None:
return ''
class Dep:
inst = {}
built = {}
def __init__(self,pkg):
# Obtain dependency list from 'apt-cache'.
self.deps = filter(lambda x: x != '',
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
self.deps = []
sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0]+": warning: "+str(e)+"\n")
self.pkg = pkg
self.ref = 0
# Add object to global collection keyed by name.
Dep.inst[pkg] = self
def build(self):
subbuilds = []
for d in self.deps:
if not d in Dep.built:
if d in Dep.inst:
o = Dep.inst[d]
o = Dep(d)
# Flag nodes that have been built so as to avoid cycles.
Dep.built[self.pkg] = True
for o in subbuilds:
def upref(self):
self.ref += 1
def __repr__(self):
return self.pkg
def toplevel():
# Find the top-level nodes that have the fewest parents. All answers
# must fall in the same class. Ideally 'n' will be zero (except when
# we've had circular dependencies).
ds = []
n = -1
for d in Dep.inst:
o = Dep.inst[d]
if n < 0 or o.ref < n:
n = o.ref
ds = [o]
elif o.ref == n:
return ds
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
f = sys.stdin
f = open(sys.argv[1])
pkgs = map(lambda x: Dep(x),
for p in pkgs:
print reduce(lambda x,y: x+', '+y if x != '' else y,
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