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Last active November 18, 2016 13:12
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Save Rolias/9240803 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example of one way to safely share a buffer between two tasks using the NetBurner version of uCOS.
//In the TCP Task
void TcpServer::ProcessMessage(int num_bytes_read)
//There will always be room for the terminator because we only read a max of 1 less than full size
_rxBuffer[num_bytes_read++] = '\0';
if (_debuggingTcp) cout << "tcp:Read bytes:" << num_bytes_read << " string read = " << _rxBuffer << endl;
_messageWaiting = true; //Set this first and process pending on mbox MUST call SetMessageProcessed();
BYTE err_code = OSMboxPost(&_mailbox, static_cast<void*> (_rxBuffer)); //Put a message in the Mailbox.
if ((err_code != OS_NO_ERR) && _debuggingTcp) cout << "OSMboxPost error in tcpServer " << endl;
//Wait for response from task that processes the message.
err_code = OSSemPend(&_msgProcessed,MAX_WAIT_MSG_HANDLED_TICKS);
if (err_code != OS_NO_ERR) cout << "OSSemPend Error in TcpServer " <<endl;
//In the main event task which is using data passed in from the TCP Task
void Startup::MainEventLoop()
const bool FOREVER = true;
const int MAILBOX_WAIT_TICKS = 20;
OS_MBOX& tcp_mailbox = TcpServer::GetMailbox();
while (FOREVER)
BYTE err;
void * pdata_from_tcp = OSMboxPend( &tcp_mailbox, MAILBOX_WAIT_TICKS, &err);
if (err != OS_TIMEOUT)
string puser_command = (char*) pdata_from_tcp;
void Startup::ParseIncomingMsg(string userMsg)
cout << userMsg;
OS_SEM& msg_processed_sem = TcpServer::GetSemaphore();
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Hello Sir,
For a long time I was looking for something to refer to for cpp programming on net burner. You examples come as a big relief. It will be great if you could provide one complete example on how this works. A few questions though:

  1. How can we substitute the global variables with a class.
  2. How do we share data across classes without fear of corruption.

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