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Created August 17, 2024 14:26
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WebRTC Chat Room
# Built using Svelte and peerjs
<script lang="ts">
import Peer from "peerjs";
import type { DataConnection } from "peerjs";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
type Optional<T> = T | null;
interface Message {
id?: string;
text: string;
sender: string;
let peer: Optional<Peer> = null;
let conn: Optional<DataConnection> = null;
let clients: DataConnection[] = [];
let connected = false;
let peerID = "";
let connectID = "";
let messageText = "";
let messages: Message[] = [];
onMount(() => {
if(peer) return;
peer = new Peer();
peer.on("open", id => {
peerID = id;
peer.on("error", console.error);
peer.on("connection", (conn) => {
conn.on("open", () => {
clients = [...clients, conn];
text: `${conn.connectionId} connected`,
sender: "System"
conn.on("close", () => {
clients = clients.filter(val => val != conn);
text: `${conn.connectionId} left`,
sender: "System"
conn.on("data", data => {
sendMessage(parseMessage(data), conn);
return () => peer?.destroy();
function connect() {
if(!peer || connected) return;
connectID = connectID.trim();
if(connectID.length == 0) {
return alert("You must enter an ID to connect to!");
conn = peer.connect(connectID, { reliable: true });
conn.on("open", () => connected = true);
conn.on("close", () => {
connected = false;
conn = null;
conn.on("data", data => onMessageRecieved(parseMessage(data)));
function disconnect() {
if(conn) {
conn = null;
connected = false;
function sendMsg() {
text: messageText,
sender: peerID
messageText = "";
function parseMessage(data: unknown) {
return JSON.parse(String(data)) as Message;
function sendMessage(msg: Message, except?: DataConnection) {
if(clients.length == 0 && !conn) return;
let targetConns = clients;
if(targetConns.length == 0 && conn)
targetConns = [conn];
targetConns.forEach(conn => {
if(conn == except) return;
function onMessageRecieved(msg: Message) { = crypto.randomUUID();
messages = [...messages, msg];
<h1>ligma chat</h1>
{#if peer}
<h3>Peer ID: {peerID}</h3>
{#if !connected}
<form on:submit|preventDefault={connect}>
<input type="text" name="id" placeholder="ID to connect to" bind:value={connectID} />
<input type="submit" />
<span>Connected to {connectID}</span>
<button on:click={disconnect}>Disconnect</button>
<div class="messages">
{#each messages as msg (}
<span>{msg.sender.substring(0, 6)}: {msg.text}</span>
<form on:submit|preventDefault={sendMsg}>
<input type="text" name="msg" placeholder="Message" bind:value={messageText} />
<input type="submit" />
<p>Peer is not established</p>
.messages {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
overflow-y: scroll;
border: 1px solid gray;
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