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Last active March 31, 2022 18:23
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  • Save RonenNess/864df280f95d76b3f761054b0ed4fe1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RonenNess/864df280f95d76b3f761054b0ed4fe1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Random dungeon generator in JS - based on rectangle rooms and doors - MADE FOR - feel free to use this
// generate a random level with rooms
// mapSize = level size {x, y}
// maxRooms = max number of rooms to generate (number). note: under some conditions the result will have less rooms than max rooms, for example if we run out of places to place rooms in.
// minRoomSize = min room size (number).
// maxRoomSize = max room size (number).
// base on the concepts found here:
// author: Ronen Ness.
// feel free to use this for any purpose.
// NOTE: made for a project on
function generateLevel(mapSize, maxRooms, minRoomSize, maxRoomSize) {
// defaults
maxRooms = maxRooms || 12;
minRoomSize = minRoomSize || 4;
maxRoomSize = maxRoomSize || 14;
// create empty grid of walls (1 == wall)
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < mapSize.x; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < mapSize.y; ++j) {
// set a room as floors (0)
function setFloor(room)
var x = room.x;
var y = room.y;
var w = room.w;
var h = room.h;
for (var i = x; i < x + w; ++i) {
for (var j = y; j < y + h; ++j) {
ret[i][j] = 0;
// rooms left to create
var roomsLeft = maxRooms - 1;
// check if a given room is valid - don't exit map and don't overlap another room
function isValid(room)
var x = room.x;
var y = room.y;
var w = room.w;
var h = room.h;
// ran out of rooms?
if (roomsLeft <= 0) { return false; }
// check boundaries
if (x < 0 || x + w >= mapSize.x) { return false; }
if (y < 0 || y + h >= mapSize.y) { return false; }
// make sure there are no floors, ie not overlapping with another room
for (var i = x-1; i < x + w + 1; ++i) {
for (var j = y-1; j < y + h + 1; ++j) {
if (ret[i] && ret[i][j] === 0) { return false; }
return true;
// helper function to random between min and max
function randMinMax(min, max)
return Math.ceil(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
// method to create a single random room
function createRandomRoom()
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (mapSize.x - maxRoomSize - 2)) + 1;
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (mapSize.y - maxRoomSize - 2)) + 1;
var w = randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
var h = randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
return {x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h};
// create first room and set it in map. we'll use it as seed and build from there.
var room = createRandomRoom();
// list with all rooms to return
var allRooms = [];
// list with all doors to return
var allDoors = [];
// grow recursively from the seed room until we have enough
function growMap(lastRoom)
// update all rooms list
// create empty neighbors list for this room
lastRoom.neighbors = [];
// direction to create neighbor rooms in
// note: this method to shuffle arrays is not a good way and shouldn't be use for serious stuff - but its good enough for just 4 items like we have :)
var directions = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'].sort( () => .5 - Math.random() );
// create neighbors in random order
for (var i = 0; i < directions.length; ++i) {
// if ran out of rooms to generate, stop here
if (roomsLeft <= 0) { return; }
// build neighbor room
switch (directions[i])
// build up room
case "up":
// make sure we have enough room up
if (lastRoom.y < minRoomSize + 2) { continue; }
// create random width and x
var width = randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
var minX = Math.max(lastRoom.x - (width - 2), 1);
var maxX = Math.min(lastRoom.x + lastRoom.w - 2, mapSize.x - minRoomSize - 1);
var x = randMinMax(minX, maxX);
// create random height and set y based on it
var height = Math.min(randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize), lastRoom.y - 2);
var y = lastRoom.y - height - 1;
// create room and make sure its legal
var room = {x: x, y: y, w: width, h: height};
if (isValid(room))
// set room + door
var doorX = randMinMax(Math.max(lastRoom.x + 1, x), Math.min(lastRoom.x + lastRoom.w - 2, x + width - 2));
var doorY = lastRoom.y - 1;
ret[doorX][doorY] = 0;
allDoors.push({x: doorX, y: doorY});
// expand recursively with the new room
// build down room
case "down":
// make sure we have enough room down
if (lastRoom.y + lastRoom.h > mapSize.y - minRoomSize - 2) { continue; }
// create random width and x
var width = randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
var minX = Math.max(lastRoom.x - (width - 2), 1);
var maxX = Math.min(lastRoom.x + lastRoom.w - 2, mapSize.x - minRoomSize - 1);
var x = randMinMax(minX, maxX);
// create random height and set y based on it
var height = Math.min(randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize), mapSize.y - lastRoom.y - lastRoom.h - 2);
var y = lastRoom.y + lastRoom.h + 1;
// create room and make sure its legal
var room = {x: x, y: y, w: width, h: height};
if (isValid(room))
// set room + door
var doorX = randMinMax(Math.max(lastRoom.x + 1, x), Math.min(lastRoom.x + lastRoom.w - 2, x + width - 2));
var doorY = y - 1;
ret[doorX][doorY] = 0;
allDoors.push({x: doorX, y: doorY});
// expand recursively with the new room
// build left room
case "left":
// make sure we have enough room left
if (lastRoom.x < minRoomSize + 2) { continue; }
// create random height and y
var height = randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
var minY = Math.max(lastRoom.y - (height - 2), 1);
var maxY = Math.min(lastRoom.y + lastRoom.h - 2, mapSize.y - minRoomSize - 1);
var y = randMinMax(minY, maxY);
// create random width and set x based on it
var width = Math.min(randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize), lastRoom.x - 2);
var x = lastRoom.x - width - 1;
// create room and make sure its legal
var room = {x: x, y: y, w: width, h: height};
if (isValid(room))
// set room + door
var doorY = randMinMax(Math.max(lastRoom.y + 1, y), Math.min(lastRoom.y + lastRoom.h - 2, y + height - 2));
var doorX = lastRoom.x - 1;
ret[doorX][doorY] = 0;
allDoors.push({x: doorX, y: doorY});
// expand recursively with the new room
// build right room
case "right":
// make sure we have enough room right
if (lastRoom.x + lastRoom.w > mapSize.x - minRoomSize - 2) { continue; }
// create random height and y
var height = randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
var minY = Math.max(lastRoom.y - (height - 2), 1);
var maxY = Math.min(lastRoom.y + lastRoom.h - 2, mapSize.y - minRoomSize - 1);
var y = randMinMax(minY, maxY);
// create random width and set x based on it
var width = Math.min(randMinMax(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize), mapSize.x - lastRoom.x - lastRoom.w - 2);
var x = lastRoom.x + lastRoom.w + 1;
// create room and make sure its legal
var room = {x: x, y: y, w: width, h: height};
if (isValid(room))
// set room + door
var doorY = randMinMax(Math.max(lastRoom.y + 1, y), Math.min(lastRoom.y + lastRoom.h - 2, y + height - 2));
var doorX = x - 1;
ret[doorX][doorY] = 0;
allDoors.push({x: doorX, y: doorY});
// expand recursively with the new room
// start building rooms
// return grid
return {tiles: ret, rooms: allRooms, doors: allDoors};
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RonenNess commented Mar 11, 2021

Live codepen here:

Usage example (place this in any script tag after including the main js):

    // generate map
    var mapSize = {x:100, y:100};
    var map = generateLevel(mapSize, 25, 4, 16);

    // create canvas to draw map on
    var canvas = document.createElement("CANVAS");
    canvas.width = mapSize.x * 10;
    canvas.height = mapSize.y * 10; = (mapSize.x * 10) + 'px'; = (mapSize.y * 10) + 'px';

    // draw map
    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    for (var i = 0; i < mapSize.x; ++i) {
        for (var j = 0; j < mapSize.y; ++j) {
            ctx.fillStyle = map.tiles[i][j] ? "#ccc" : "#00ffaa";
            ctx.fillRect(i * 10, j * 10, 10, 10);

    // draw all doors
    ctx.fillStyle = "#22bbaa";
    for (var i = 0; i < map.doors.length; ++i) {
        ctx.fillRect(map.doors[i].x * 10, map.doors[i].y * 10, 10, 10);


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