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Created May 2, 2018 19:38
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VerseCheck Old Logic
import React, {Component} from 'react';
// import {optimizeSelections, normalizeString} from './utils/selectionHelpers';
// import isEqual from 'deep-equal';
// import usfmjs from 'usfm-js';
import {VerseCheck} from 'tc-ui-toolkit';
class App extends Component {
// constructor(props) {
// super(props);
// let verseText = usfmjs.removeMarker(this.verseText());
// const mode = props.selectionsReducer.selections.length > 0 || verseText.length === 0 ? 'default' : 'select';
// this.state = {
// mode: mode,
// comment: undefined,
// commentChanged: false,
// verseText: undefined,
// verseChanged: false,
// selections: [],
// tags: [],
// dialogModalVisibility: false,
// goToNextOrPrevious: null
// };
// this.saveSelection = this.saveSelection.bind(this);
// this.cancelSelection = this.cancelSelection.bind(this);
// this.clearSelection = this.clearSelection.bind(this);
// this.handleSkip = this.handleSkip.bind(this);
// let _this = this;
// this.tagList = [
// ["spelling", "Spelling"],
// ["punctuation", "Punctuation"],
// ["grammar", "Grammar"],
// ["meaning", "Meaning"],
// ["wordChoice", "Word Choice"],
// ["other", "Other"]
// ];
// this.actions = {
// handleGoToNext() {
// if (!_this.props.loginReducer.loggedInUser) {
// _this.props.actions.selectModalTab(1, 1, true);
// _this.props.actions.openAlertDialog("You must be logged in to save progress");
// return;
// }
// props.actions.goToNext();
// },
// handleGoToPrevious() {
// if (!_this.props.loginReducer.loggedInUser) {
// _this.props.actions.selectModalTab(1, 1, true);
// _this.props.actions.openAlertDialog("You must be logged in to save progress");
// return;
// }
// props.actions.goToPrevious();
// },
// handleOpenDialog(goToNextOrPrevious) {
// _this.setState({goToNextOrPrevious});
// _this.setState({dialogModalVisibility: true});
// },
// handleCloseDialog() {
// _this.setState({dialogModalVisibility: false});
// },
// skipToNext() {
// _this.setState({dialogModalVisibility: false});
// props.actions.goToNext();
// },
// skipToPrevious() {
// _this.setState({dialogModalVisibility: false});
// props.actions.goToPrevious();
// },
// changeSelectionsInLocalState(selections) {
// _this.setState({selections});
// },
// changeMode(mode) {
// _this.setState({
// mode: mode,
// selections: _this.props.selectionsReducer.selections
// });
// },
// handleComment(e) {
// const comment =;
// _this.setState({
// comment: comment
// });
// },
// checkComment(e) {
// const newcomment = || "";
// const oldcomment = _this.props.commentsReducer.text || "";
// _this.setState({
// commentChanged: newcomment !== oldcomment
// });
// },
// cancelComment() {
// _this.setState({
// mode: 'default',
// selections: _this.props.selectionsReducer.selections,
// comment: undefined,
// commentChanged: false
// });
// },
// saveComment() {
// if (!_this.props.loginReducer.loggedInUser) {
// _this.props.actions.selectModalTab(1, 1, true);
// _this.props.actions.openAlertDialog("You must be logged in to leave a comment", 5);
// return;
// }
// _this.props.actions.addComment(_this.state.comment, _this.props.loginReducer.userdata.username);
// _this.setState({
// mode: 'default',
// selections: _this.props.selectionsReducer.selections,
// comment: undefined,
// commentChanged: false
// });
// },
// handleTagsCheckbox(tag) {
// let newState = _this.state;
// if (newState.tags === undefined) newState.tags = [];
// if (!newState.tags.includes(tag)) {
// newState.tags.push(tag);
// } else {
// newState.tags = newState.tags.filter(_tag => _tag !== tag);
// }
// _this.setState(newState);
// },
// handleEditVerse(e) {
// const verseText =;
// _this.setState({
// verseText: verseText
// });
// },
// checkVerse(e) {
// let {chapter, verse} = _this.props.contextIdReducer.contextId.reference;
// const newverse = || "";
// const oldverse = _this.props.resourcesReducer.bibles.targetLanguage.targetBible[chapter][verse] || "";
// if (newverse === oldverse) {
// _this.setState({
// verseChanged: false,
// tags: []
// });
// } else {
// _this.setState({
// verseChanged: true
// });
// }
// },
// cancelEditVerse() {
// _this.setState({
// mode: 'default',
// selections: _this.props.selectionsReducer.selections,
// verseText: undefined,
// verseChanged: false,
// tags: []
// });
// },
// saveEditVerse() {
// let {loginReducer, actions, contextIdReducer, resourcesReducer} = _this.props;
// let {chapter, verse} = contextIdReducer.contextId.reference;
// let before = resourcesReducer.bibles.targetLanguage.targetBible[chapter][verse];
// let username = loginReducer.userdata.username;
// // verseText state is undefined if no changes are made in the text box.
// if (!loginReducer.loggedInUser) {
// _this.props.actions.selectModalTab(1, 1, true);
// _this.props.actions.openAlertDialog("You must be logged in to edit a verse");
// return;
// }
// const save = () => {
// actions.editTargetVerse(chapter, verse, before, _this.state.verseText, _this.state.tags, username);
// _this.setState({
// mode: 'default',
// selections: _this.props.selectionsReducer.selections,
// verseText: undefined,
// verseChanged: false,
// tags: []
// });
// };
// if (_this.state.verseText) { // if verseText === "" is false
// save();
// } else {
// // alert the user if the text is blank
// let message = 'You are saving a blank verse. Please confirm.';
// _this.props.actions.openOptionDialog(message, (option) => {
// if (option !== "Cancel") save();
// _this.props.actions.closeAlertDialog();
// }, "Save Blank Verse", "Cancel");
// }
// },
// validateSelections(verseText) {
// _this.props.actions.validateSelections(verseText);
// },
// toggleReminder() {
// _this.props.actions.toggleReminder(_this.props.loginReducer.userdata.username);
// },
// openAlertDialog(message) {
// _this.props.actions.openAlertDialog(message);
// },
// selectModalTab(tab, section, vis) {
// _this.props.actions.selectModalTab(tab, section, vis);
// }
// };
// }
// componentWillMount() {
// let selections = Array.from(this.props.selectionsReducer.selections);
// this.setState({selections});
// }
// componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
// if (nextProps.contextIdReducer.contextId != this.props.contextIdReducer.contextId) {
// let selections = Array.from(nextProps.selectionsReducer.selections);
// const {chapter, verse} = nextProps.contextIdReducer.contextId.reference || {};
// const {targetBible} = nextProps.resourcesReducer.bibles.targetLanguage || {};
// let verseText = targetBible && targetBible[chapter] ? targetBible[chapter][verse] : "";
// if (Array.isArray(verseText)) verseText = verseText[0];
// // normalize whitespace in case selection has contiguous whitespace _this isn't captured
// verseText = normalizeString(verseText);
// const mode = nextProps.selectionsReducer.selections.length > 0 || verseText.length === 0 ? 'default' : 'select';
// this.setState({
// mode: mode,
// comments: undefined,
// verseText: undefined,
// selections,
// tags: []
// });
// }
// }
// cancelSelection() {
// this.actions.changeSelectionsInLocalState(this.props.selectionsReducer.selections);
// this.actions.changeMode('default');
// }
// clearSelection() {
// this.setState({
// selections: []
// });
// }
// saveSelection() {
// let verseText = this.verseText();
// // optimize the selections to address potential issues and save
// let selections = optimizeSelections(verseText, this.state.selections);
// this.props.actions.changeSelections(selections, this.props.loginReducer.userdata.username);
// this.actions.changeMode('default');
// }
// verseText() {
// const {chapter, verse, bookId} = this.props.contextIdReducer.contextId.reference;
// const bookAbbr =;
// const {targetBible} = this.props.resourcesReducer.bibles.targetLanguage;
// let verseText = "";
// if (targetBible && targetBible[chapter] && bookId == bookAbbr) {
// verseText = targetBible && targetBible[chapter] ? targetBible[chapter][verse] : "";
// if (Array.isArray(verseText)) verseText = verseText[0];
// // normalize whitespace in case selection has contiguous whitespace _this isn't captured
// verseText = normalizeString(verseText);
// }
// return verseText;
// }
// findIfVerseEdited() {
// const {contextIdReducer: {contextId}, groupsDataReducer: {groupsData}} = this.props;
// let result = false;
// if (groupsData[contextId.groupId]) {
// let groupData = groupsData[contextId.groupId].filter(groupData => {
// return isEqual(groupData.contextId, contextId);
// });
// result = groupData[0].verseEdits;
// }
// return result;
// }
// handleSkip(e) {
// e.preventDefault();
// if (this.state.goToNextOrPrevious == "next") {
// this.actions.skipToNext();
// } else if (this.state.goToNextOrPrevious == "previous") {
// this.actions.skipToPrevious();
// }
// }
render() {
//const verseText = usfmjs.removeMarker(this.verseText());
return (
<div style={{padding: '10px'}}>
export default App;
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