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Last active November 13, 2020 20:49
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public typealias CompletionHandler = Function<Void, Void>
public typealias SideEffect<Input> = Function<Input, Void>
public struct Function<Input, Output>: Identifiable {
public let id: String
internal let f: (Input) -> Output
public init(
id: String,
f: @escaping (Input) -> Output
) { = id
self.f = f
public init(f: @escaping (Input) -> Output) {
self.init(id: generateIdentifier(), f: f)
public func apply(input: Input) -> Output {
public func contraMap<T>(_ g: @escaping (T) -> Input) -> Function<T, Output> {
Function<T, Output>(f: g >>> self.apply(input:))
public func map<T>(_ g: @escaping (Output) -> T) -> Function<Input, T> {
Function<Input, T>(f: self.apply(input:) >>> g)
public func callAsFunction(_ input: Input) -> Output {
public extension Function where Input == Void, Output == Void {
func apply() {
public extension Function where Input == Void {
func apply() -> Output {
public extension Function where Output == Void {
static var empty: Function {
return Function { _ in }
extension Function: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: Function<Input, Output>, rhs: Function<Input, Output>) -> Bool { ==
public extension Function where Input == Output {
static var identity: Function {
return Function { $0 }
public func >>> <A, B, C>(a: Function<A, B>, b: Function<B, C>) -> Function<A, C> {
return Function(f: a.f >>> b.f)
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