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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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import System.IO
import Control.Monad
whileFM :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> (s -> m s) -> s -> m s
whileFM b f s = b >>= while' where
while' False = return s
while' True = (f s) >>= (\newS -> whileFM b f newS)
andM :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
andM a b = a >>= (\x ->
if x then b
else return False)
notM :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m Bool
notM a = a >>= (\x -> return $ not x)
whileNotEOF = whileFM (hIsOpen stdin `andM` (notM isEOF))
main :: IO ()
main = whileNotEOF parse' initState >>= finishParse' where
parse' s = (parse s) `liftM` getChar >>= (\newS ->
printIfParsed newS >> return newS)
finishParse' s = case (parse s '\n') of
(Parsed x) -> putStrLn x >> return ()
_ -> return ()
printIfParsed (Parsed x) = putStrLn x
printIfParsed _ = return ()
data CommentState =
Slash |
SingleLine {
singleLineCommentChars :: [Char]
} |
MultiLine {
multiLineCommentChars :: [Char],
lastStar :: Bool,
leadingSpaces :: Bool
deriving Show
data StringState = StringParseState { parsingStringLastBackSlash :: Bool } deriving Show
data ParsingState =
ParsingComment CommentState | ParsingString StringState
deriving Show
data ParseState =
Skip | Parsing ParsingState | Parsed String
deriving Show
initState = Skip
parse :: ParseState -> Char -> ParseState
parse (Parsing (ParsingComment cs)) c = parseComment cs c
parseComment :: CommentState -> Char -> ParseState
parseComment Slash '/' = Parsing $ ParsingComment $ SingleLine "//"
parseComment Slash '*' = Parsing $ ParsingComment $ MultiLine "*/" False False
parseComment Slash _ = Skip
parseComment (SingleLine chars) '\r' = Parsing $ ParsingComment $ SingleLine chars
parseComment (SingleLine chars) '\n' = Parsed $ reverse chars
parseComment (SingleLine chars) c = Parsing $ ParsingComment $ SingleLine $ c:chars
parseComment (MultiLine chars _ _) c@'*' = Parsing $ ParsingComment $ MultiLine (c:chars) True False
parseComment (MultiLine chars _ _) c@'\n' = Parsing $ ParsingComment $ MultiLine (c:chars) False True
parseComment (MultiLine chars True _) '/' = Parsed $ reverse $ '/':chars
parseComment (MultiLine chars _ True) ' ' = Parsing $ ParsingComment $ MultiLine chars False True
parseComment (MultiLine chars _ _) c = Parsing $ ParsingComment $ MultiLine (c:chars) False False
parse (Parsing (ParsingString ss)) c = parseString ss c
parseString (StringParseState True) _ = Parsing $ ParsingString $ StringParseState False
parseString (StringParseState False) '"' = Skip
parseString (StringParseState False) '\\' = Parsing $ ParsingString $ StringParseState True
parseString (StringParseState False) _ = Parsing $ ParsingString $ StringParseState False
parse _ '/' = Parsing $ ParsingComment Slash
parse _ '"' = Parsing $ ParsingString $ StringParseState False
parse _ _ = Skip
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Rulexec commented Feb 13, 2015

$ cat titlesGraphTreeDirective.js | runhaskell first.hs 
// config here
// value from 0 to 0.5
// svg static containers/etc
// sorting by fixedLayers hints
// using verticalPairs hints, adding nulls between elements,
// and then fill them, if possible
// i -- layerA, j -- layerB index
//console.log(layerA[k] + ' <-> ' + layerB[toI]);
// jshint loopfunc:true
//return Math.max(match[0] + x.layerAOffset, match[1] + x.layerBOffset);
// collect blocks from layers
// TODO: underblock, multisegment arrows
// form layers
// jshint loopfunc:true
// not acyclic graph
// list of lists
// split trees into connected components
//cornersRadius = options.cornersRadius,
/*var d = [[data[0][0].x, data[0][0].y], [data[0][1].x, data[0][1].y]].map(function(x) {
          return 'L' + x.join(' ');
        }).join(' ');*/

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