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Last active August 15, 2019 07:43
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package lp;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ByteFunction;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ByteOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongLinkedOpenHashSet;
* Maintains a smooth gradient of some small value (the "level") in a (possibly infinite)
* graph. The gradient must be increasing away from the manually set states, meaning that
* manual level updates must only be able to lower the level, or raise it in a (previously
* lowered) local minimum (see {@link #updateLevel(long, long, int, boolean)} for more
* details).
* <h2>Implementation</h2>
* Objects in the graph are labelled with {@code long} IDs, and the level is restricted
* to the range {@code 0-252}. Subclasses must implement the {@link #getLevel(long)} and
* {@link #setLevel(long, int)} methods which get and set the level in the underlying
* storage, the {@link #propagateLevel(long, int, boolean)} method, which propagates
* levels to adjacent objects, determining the shape of the graph, and the
* {@link #getPropagatedLevel(long, long, int)}, which transforms the level on every
* propagation, determining the shape of the gradient. Additionally, there is a marker
* ID identified by the {@link #isMarker(long)} method for updates not caused by an
* adjacent object.
* <h2>Usage</h2>
* Level updates can be done through the {@link #updateLevel(long, long, int, boolean)}
* and {@link #resetLevel(long)} methods. For performance, updates are not applied
* immediately, but rather when {@link LevelPropagator#applyPendingUpdates} is called.
* <h2>Example</h2>
* One possible application would be creating a two-dimensional boolean matrix which
* keeps track of the Manhattan distance to the nearest set cell, up to some maximum.
* Here, the graph would be an integer lattice of the same shape as our boolean matrix,
* the level would be the distance to the nearest set cell, and the propagated level
* method would simply increase the level by 1.
* <p>
* Whenever a cell is set, the corresponding level would be lowered to 0, causing a
* recursive update of its neighbors. Whenever a cell is unset, the corresponding level
* would be increased to its maximum, again causing a recursive update of its neighbours.
public abstract class LevelPropagator {
private final int levelCount;
private final LongLinkedOpenHashSet[] pendingIdUpdatesByLevel;
private final Long2ByteFunction pendingUpdates;
private int minPendingLevel;
private volatile boolean hasPendingUpdates;
* Creates a new level propagator with {@code levelCount} levels.
* @param levelCount the number of levels (the levels will be in the range
* {@code 0} to {@code levelCount - 1})
* @param expectedLevelSize the expected number of objects per level
* @param expectedTotalSize tthe expected number of objects
protected LevelPropagator(int levelCount, int expectedLevelSize, int expectedTotalSize) {
if (levelCount >= 254) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Level count must be < 254.");
this.levelCount = levelCount;
pendingIdUpdatesByLevel = new LongLinkedOpenHashSet[levelCount];
for (int level = 0; level < levelCount; ++level) {
pendingIdUpdatesByLevel[level] = new LongLinkedOpenHashSet(expectedLevelSize, 0.5f) {
protected void rehash(int newN) {
if (newN > expectedLevelSize) {
(pendingUpdates = new Long2ByteOpenHashMap(expectedTotalSize, 0.5f) {
protected void rehash(int newN) {
if (newN > expectedTotalSize) {
}).defaultReturnValue((byte) -1);
minPendingLevel = levelCount;
private int minLevel(int a, int b) {
int result = a;
if (result > b) {
result = b;
if (result > levelCount - 1) {
result = levelCount - 1;
return result;
private void increaseMinPendingLevel(int maxLevel) {
int oldMin = minPendingLevel;
minPendingLevel = maxLevel;
for (int level = oldMin + 1; level < maxLevel; ++level) {
if (!pendingIdUpdatesByLevel[level].isEmpty()) {
minPendingLevel = level;
protected void removePendingUpdate(long id) {
int pendingUpdate = pendingUpdates.get(id) & 0xFF;
if (pendingUpdate == 255) {
int level = getLevel(id);
int minLevel = minLevel(level, pendingUpdate);
removePendingUpdate(id, minLevel, levelCount, true);
hasPendingUpdates = minPendingLevel < levelCount;
private void removePendingUpdate(long id, int level, int maxLevel, boolean removeFully) {
if (removeFully) {
if (pendingIdUpdatesByLevel[level].isEmpty() && minPendingLevel == level) {
private void addPendingUpdate(long id, int level, int targetLevel) {
pendingUpdates.put(id, (byte) level);
if (minPendingLevel > targetLevel) {
minPendingLevel = targetLevel;
* Schedules a reset of an object's level to ({@code levelCount - 1}). Will not be
* applied until {@link #applyPendingUpdates(int)} is called.
* @param id the ID of the object
protected void resetLevel(long id) {
updateLevel(id, id, levelCount - 1, false);
* Schedules an update of an object's level. Will not be applied until
* {@link #applyPendingUpdates(int)} is called.
* @param sourceId the ID of the update's source, or the marker ID if there is none
* @param id the ID of the object to update
* @param level the level to update the object to
* @param decrease {@code true} to decrease a level and propagate it to neighbors,
* {@code false} to increase a previously lowered level by 1, or
* when propagating level increases
* @see #recalculateLevel(long, long, int)
protected void updateLevel(long sourceId, long id, int level, boolean decrease) {
updateLevel(sourceId, id, level, getLevel(id), pendingUpdates.get(id) & 0xFF, decrease);
hasPendingUpdates = minPendingLevel < levelCount;
private void updateLevel(long sourceId, long id, int level, int currentLevel, int pendingLevel, boolean decrease) {
if (isMarker(id)) {
level = clamp(level, 0, levelCount - 1);
currentLevel = clamp(currentLevel, 0, levelCount - 1);
boolean hasEffect;
if (pendingLevel == 255) {
hasEffect = true;
pendingLevel = currentLevel;
} else {
hasEffect = false;
int newLevel = decrease ?
Math.min(pendingLevel, level) :
clamp(recalculateLevel(id, sourceId, level), 0, levelCount - 1);
int minCurrentPending = minLevel(currentLevel, pendingLevel);
if (currentLevel != newLevel) {
int minCurrentNew = minLevel(currentLevel, newLevel);
if (minCurrentPending != minCurrentNew && !hasEffect) {
removePendingUpdate(id, minCurrentPending, minCurrentNew, false);
addPendingUpdate(id, newLevel, minCurrentNew);
} else if (!hasEffect) {
removePendingUpdate(id, minCurrentPending, levelCount, true);
* Propagates a level from a source object to a target object, using the
* {@link #getPropagatedLevel(long, long, int)} method to transform the
* source's level and update the target's level.
* @param sourceId the object from which the level is being propagated
* @param targetId the object to which the level is being propagated
* @param level the level of the object propagating its level
* @param decrease see {@link #updateLevel(long, long, int, boolean)}
protected final void propagateLevel(long sourceId, long targetId, int level, boolean decrease) {
int pendingLevel = pendingUpdates.get(targetId) & 0xFF;
int propagatedLevel = clamp(getPropagatedLevel(sourceId, targetId, level), 0, levelCount - 1);
if (decrease) {
updateLevel(sourceId, targetId, propagatedLevel, getLevel(targetId), pendingLevel, true);
} else {
boolean noPendingLevel;
int currentLevel;
if (pendingLevel == 255) {
noPendingLevel = true;
currentLevel = clamp(getLevel(targetId), 0, levelCount - 1);
} else {
currentLevel = pendingLevel;
noPendingLevel = false;
if (propagatedLevel == currentLevel) {
updateLevel(sourceId, targetId, levelCount - 1, noPendingLevel ? currentLevel : getLevel(targetId), pendingLevel, false);
* Returns whether there are updates that are still pending and will not be visible
* until {@link #applyPendingUpdates(int)} is called.
* @return whether there are any pending updates
protected final boolean hasPendingUpdates() {
return hasPendingUpdates;
* Applies pending updates and propagates levels to neighbors repeatedly, until there
* are no pending updates left or {@code maxSteps} is exceeded.
* @param maxSteps the maximum number of iterations of the apply-propagate loop to do
* (can be {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE})
* @return the number of unused steps ({@code maxSteps} minus the number of iterations
* actually done)
protected final int applyPendingUpdates(int maxSteps) {
int steps = maxSteps;
if (minPendingLevel >= levelCount) {
return steps;
while (minPendingLevel < levelCount && steps > 0) {
LongLinkedOpenHashSet updatedIds = pendingIdUpdatesByLevel[minPendingLevel];
long updatedId = updatedIds.removeFirstLong();
int currentLevel = clamp(getLevel(updatedId), 0, levelCount - 1);
if (updatedIds.isEmpty()) {
int update = pendingUpdates.remove(updatedId) & 0xFF;
if (update < currentLevel) {
setLevel(updatedId, update);
propagateLevel(updatedId, update, true);
} else {
if (update <= currentLevel) {
addPendingUpdate(updatedId, update, minLevel(levelCount - 1, update));
setLevel(updatedId, levelCount - 1);
propagateLevel(updatedId, currentLevel, false);
hasPendingUpdates = minPendingLevel < levelCount;
return steps;
* Returns whether a given ID is the marker ID, used for manual updates which are
* not caused by an adjacent object.
* @param id an ID
* @return whether the given ID is the marker ID
protected abstract boolean isMarker(long id);
* Recalculates the the maximum possible level for an object based on its neighbors.
* Called when an object is being updated to a higher level and neighbors need to be
* recalculated. Implementation should use the {@link #getLevel(long)} method to get
* the values of the neighbors, and {@link #getPropagatedLevel(long, long, int)} to
* calculate the level propageted to them by each neighbor.
* @param id the ID of the object whose level needs to be recalculated
* @param excludedId the ID of the neighbor to exclude
* @param maxLevel the maximum level the method should return
* @return the minimum of (1) a levels propageted by each neighbor, except the one
* above, (2) the initial level (level propagated by object with marker id), and
* (3) {@code maxLevel}
protected abstract int recalculateLevel(long id, long excludedId, int maxLevel);
* Updates the neighbors of an object. Implementing methods should call the
* {@link #propagateLevel(long, long, int, boolean)} method for each neighbor
* object, with this object as the source, the neighbor as the target, and the
* same {@code decrease} parameter.
* @param id the ID of the object which should propagate its level
* @param level the level of the object
* @param decrease see {@link #updateLevel(long, long, int, boolean)}
protected abstract void propagateLevel(long id, int level, boolean decrease);
* Gets the level of an object from the underlying storage, or returns the initial
* level if the ID is the marker ID.
* @param id the ID of an object, or the marker ID
* @return the level of the object with the specified ID, or the initial
* level if the ID is the marker ID
protected abstract int getLevel(long id);
* Sets the level of an object in the underlying storage.
* @param id an object ID
* @param level the level of the object with the specified ID
protected abstract void setLevel(long id, int level);
* Determines how a level is transformed when it's propagated from an object with
* to a neighbor object. The transformed value must always be larger than the input
* level.
* @param sourceId the ID of the source object
* @param targetId the ID of the target object
* @param level the level of the source object
* @return the level that should be propagated to the target object (will be clamped
* if out of range)
protected abstract int getPropagatedLevel(long sourceId, long targetId, int level);
private static int clamp(int value, int min, int max) {
return Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min);
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