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Created September 29, 2016 21:00
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Node configuration.

Update NPM version with the following command

npm update -g npm

Download NVM (Node Version Manager), which will help you to use the correct version of NodeJS

curl -o- | bash

In order to activate the NVM install, run the following command:

. ~/.nvm/

To use the project specific NodeJS version, you need to have nvm installed and then run the following from the root directory of our project.

nvm install && nvm use

If you get permission errors, try this, which will correct permission errors:

sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}
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Piecing things together (for anyone interested):
nvm install && nvm use (run from the appropriate root folder) automatically detects and set the correct NodeJS version from the package.json file (seen here).

Otherwise you can use these commands to set the version used for the alumni webapp:

nvm install 5.2.0
nvm use 5.2.0

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