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Created January 25, 2016 19:31
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# find a palindrome in just two (reasonable) or one unreasonable line of Python code
# Copyright Ryan Marcus and Can Nahum 2016
import collections
import functools
def getPalin(x):
m = functools.reduce(lambda d,c: {k: v if k != c else v + 1 for (k, v) in d.items()}, # folds new value into dictionary
x, # for each character in the string
{k: 0 for (v,k) in enumerate(x)}) # start with all values = 0
return (("".join([k*(int(v/2)) for (k, v) in m.items() if v % 2 == 0]) +
"".join([k*v for (k, v) in m.items() if v % 2 == 1]) +
"".join([k*(int(v/2)) for (k, v) in m.items() if v % 2 == 0])[::-1])
if len({k: v for (k, v) in m.items() if v % 2 == 1}) <= 1 else -1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = "bbccffggh"
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