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Created December 8, 2018 16:13
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Importing Block-Powered Posts
<?php namespace Crawford\CrawfordTheme\Console;
use Anomaly\BlocksModule\Block\Contract\BlockRepositoryInterface;
use Anomaly\PostsModule\Category\Contract\CategoryRepositoryInterface;
use Anomaly\PostsModule\Post\Contract\PostRepositoryInterface;
use Anomaly\PostsModule\Type\Contract\TypeRepositoryInterface;
use Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Model\Posts\PostsDefaultPostsEntryModel;
use Anomaly\WysiwygBlockExtension\Block\BlockModel;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Goutte\Client;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
class ImportPosts extends Command
protected $name = 'import';
public function handle(
PostRepositoryInterface $posts,
TypeRepositoryInterface $types,
BlockRepositoryInterface $blocks,
CategoryRepositoryInterface $categories
) {
$type = $types->findBySlug('default');
$category = $categories->findBySlug('news');
for ($i = 0; $i < 19; $i++) {
$this->warn('Starting: ' . '' . ($i ? ('/P' . ($i * 16)) : ''));
/* @var Crawler $crawler */
$crawler = (new Client())->request(
'' . ($i ? ('/P' . ($i * 16)) : '')
function (Crawler $crawler) use ($blocks, $posts, $type, $category) {
$title = $crawler->filter('h4')->text();
$date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp(strtotime($crawler->filter('time')->text()));
$summary = $crawler->filter('p')->text();
$slug = str_slug($title);
$count = 1;
while (true) {
if ($posts->findBySlug($slug)) {
$slug = $slug . '-' . $count;
$count += 1;
} else {
/* @var Crawler $article */
$article = (new Client())->request('GET', $target = $crawler->filter('a')->attr('href'));
$this->warn('Importing: ' . $target);
$content = $article->filter('.content-wrapper');
$entry = (new PostsDefaultPostsEntryModel())->create();
$content = str_replace(
if ($article->filter('.alignright.hidden-xs')->count()) {
$content = str_replace(
) . $content;
$block = (new BlockModel())->create(
'en' => [
'content' => $content,
'en' => [
'title' => $title,
'summary' => $summary,
'slug' => $slug,
'publish_at' => $date,
'enabled' => true,
'type' => $type,
'entry' => $entry,
'category' => $category,
'author' => 1,
'area' => $entry,
'entry' => $block,
'field' => $type->getEntryStream()->getField('content'),
'extension' => 'anomaly.extension.wysiwyg_block',
'sort_order' => 1,
$this->info('Imported: ' . $target);
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