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(Unofficial) Discord server rules suggestions list


(Unofficial) Discord server rules suggestions list

Author's Note

I'll start off with letting you know this is a fork from someone else. However, for some bizarre reason, this is the one everyone finds, so I better get round to updating this. Credit to Cristiano#2233 for the original idea.

Also, I've had a lot of people saying the rules are to strict. If you pick all the rules here, you're right, it would be very strict. However the rules below are guidelines! They are there for you to pick the ones you desire, you can ignore ones you don't want. Hopefully they might help with rules you wouldn't have thought of otherwise.

I'm now also deleting messages that aren't actully feedback. Getting to many "This list is shit" from people who clearly haven't actully read it. Chances are those people also won't read this, but hey, what can you do. It's likely I'll shift this to a proper repo at some point just to get better control over the commenting.


You just had a great idea for a new Discord server and immediately created it but now you need not only to set up the channels and permissions but also to grind through the daunting task of coming up with a list of rules.

There are so many things to consider, so many possible ways that people could ruin your server, and you also wonder about how you can design your rules in such a way that the members will be able to enjoy their time on your server but also not go overboard.

Wouldn't it be so nice if there was a template or a list of rules that you could quickly copy, paste and tweak? Fear not, you just found it!

With this simple list—which I intend to keep updating as I find good ideas on more servers—you can get some inspiration for your own server rules. Feel free to copy and modify. No crediting is required.

It's also recomended not to create to large a list of rules, as it can be harder to keep users attention, and they'll navigate away before finishing. If you need a larger list, try to write in a style that'll keep their attention. Not easy I know, hence the recomendation to keep the list shorter whenever possible.

If you would like to suggest more items or recommend a server that has a good set of well-structured, well-thought-out rules, feel free to leave a comment below.

Note: Some of the rules may sound contradictory. That's because I just made a list of all the rules that I could come up with. Whether you keep or take out any of them is completely up to you.

Note 2: A lot of the text chat rules can be used for voice chats as well, so I didn't repeat them.


  • Overhaul the below list.
  • Link/Make guides for server administration and staff learning tools.
  • Create some server templates to help people get into things and see how perms work.

General server rules

  • No blank nicknames.
  • No inappropriate nicknames.
  • No sexually explicit nicknames.
  • No offensive nicknames.
  • No nicknames with unusual or unreadable Unicode.
  • No blank profile pictures.
  • No inappropriate profile pictures.
  • No sexually explicit profile pictures.
  • No offensive profile pictures.
  • No membership granted to minors (under 18 years).
  • Moderators reserve the right to change nicknames.
  • Moderators reserve the right to use their own discretion regardless of any rule.
  • No exploiting loopholes in the rules (please report them).
  • No DMing other members of the server.
  • Rules apply to DMing other members of the server.
  • No inviting unofficial bots.
  • No bugs, exploits, glitches, hacks, bugs, etc.

Text chat rules

  • No questioning the mods.
  • No @mentioning the mods.
  • No asking to be granted roles/moderator roles.
  • @mention the moderators for support.
  • Contact the moderators under #channel for support.
  • No @everyone/@here mentioning without permission.
  • No @mentioning spam.
  • No sexually explicit content.
  • No pornographic content.
  • No NSFW content.
  • No illegal content.
  • No piracy.
  • No modding.
  • No homebrew.
  • No hacking.
  • No publishing of personal information (including real names, addresses, emails, passwords, bank account and credit card information, etc.).
  • No personal attacks.
  • No witch hunting.
  • No harassment.
  • No sexism.
  • No racism.
  • No hate speech.
  • No offensive language/cursing.
  • No religious discussions.
  • No political discussions.
  • No sexual discussions.
  • No flirting.
  • No dating.
  • No flaming.
  • No flame wars.
  • Agree to disagree.
  • No trolling.
  • No spamming.
  • No excessive messaging (breaking up an idea in many posts instead of writing all out in just one post).
  • No walls of text (either in separate posts or as a single post).
  • No overusing emojis.
  • No overusing reactions.
  • No external emojis.
  • Keep conversations in English.
  • Use #channel for conversations in another/other language(s).
  • Moderators reserve the right to delete any post.
  • Moderators reserve the right to edit any post.
  • No advertisement.
  • No advertisement without permission.
  • No links.
  • No linking to other servers.
  • No memes.
  • No pictures.
  • No gifs.
  • No bot commands.
  • Bot commands only under #channel.
  • List of allowed bot commands:
  • No channel hopping.
  • No offtopic/use the right text channel for the topic you wish to discuss.

Voice chat rules

  • No voice chat channel hopping.
  • No annoying, loud or high pitch noises.
  • Reduce the amount of background noise, if possible.
  • Push to talk only.
  • Moderators reserve the right to disconnect you from a voice channel if your sound quality is poor.
  • Moderators reserve the right to disconnect, mute, deafen, or move members to and from voice channels.

Bot specific rules

  • No command spam.
  • No macros.
  • No hacks.
  • No adding/changing/removing commands.
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This is great but the comments gave me cancer holy fuck

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Ghost-pinging is annoying as hell, haha.

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Guys I think this list is a joke lmao. Obviously sarcastic.

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Mahund commented Jan 9, 2021

Thanks for you fork!

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Guys I think this list is a joke lmao. Obviously sarcastic.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic yourself but no this is the comprehensive list of every possible rule, but it's not recommended to use all of them. Pick and choose etc.

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pokemon-devteam commented Mar 7, 2021

Confused why there's a no minors rules as servers are generally meant to be SFW by default.

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Ryonez commented Mar 7, 2021

Confused why there's a no minors rules as servers are generally meant to be SFW by default.

Not all are though.

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Confused why there's a no minors rules as servers are generally meant to be SFW by default.

Not all are though.
True enough as well. I guess that's more of a 'depends heavily'. Thanks!

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Huh, people are commenting on this? Lets clear some shit up.

1: This is a fork
2: I did this for my use as it has some things I might forget.
3: I did forget about this anyway. I can make my own rules, I don't need this list.
4: This isn't a public gist by choice. I think it was made public because of the fork, but in any case I don't see an option to hide it now.

How did you guys even find this? I treat gist as a little notebook of gists I find here.

TL;DR, Go bug the original owner. This is a fork and doesn't represent my views. It's just a list I decided to save for a few ideas. The list overall is way to much...

I'll give this a day and save the list elsewhere before deleting it here. Don't know why people are showing up here and even staring this crap.

I found it on Google xD

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I don't even know why the hell people complain about the "No Memes" rule. It's just a rule that can be used for any of your servers. This gist is NOT someone's server rules. They're just rules that you can pick for your server. You really gotta read the entire gist though..
(why do i sound like im minimodding?)

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This rules list is quite extensive and useful to be honest!

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I almost forgot about this and was jsut re-wring my rules until I got a notification! This is definitely useful

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Rhin044 commented May 8, 2021

this is sush a great idea! gg :)

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Ryonez commented May 21, 2021

While I don't mind suggestions for rules to put on the list, for now lets avoid posting the options you've picked out for your server. This will help to prevent just a wall of rules people picked.

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Would suggest implementing rules for inappropriate profile banners.

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Nice but this needs much improvement

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Thanks very much for the rules template :) I used it and tweaked it to better suit my own server. I will post it here with the edits, maybe someone else will make use of it too !! :)

Use the appropriate channels for posts and anything related. We aim to be an ever-growing Community Discord, organisation is KEY to keep everyone connected as smooth as possible. Any open suggestions you may have for new channels and additons to our server, message the MODS directly.

  • No spam *
    This includes obnoxious noises in voice, @mention spam, character spam, image spam, and message spam.
  • No unnecessary explicit content *
    This includes scary, gorey or sexual content. NO pr0nz / nudity, death, etc.
    NO Screamer Links for the love of god. Please. My heart can't take it anymore.
  • No harassment *
    This includes any form of harassment or encouraging of harassment.
  • No self or user bots *
    These are some cases that go against Discord Terms of Service.
    Any questions about the bots or any others not used in our Server please message the MODS directly.
  • No inappropriate language *
    While swearing is allowed, refrain from directing it at another member unsuspectingly.

There may be situations not covered by the rules or times where the rule may not fit the situation. If you have a complaint about another group member, you may message either of the MODS directly.

We are a chill, and very easy-going group, and we actively strive to maintain the comfort within our "home". Any issues related to spam, messages, or members specifically will be taken into action without hesitation. Members causing problems will be "Warned" and then "Removed" if issues persist.

Hey I improved this further. The following has been adapted to fit discords text formatting.
Note that you will need to edit stuff like @warning and your consequences but mostly if you want to edit some rules go ahead this should cover a few more rules that I believe you missed.


**No Homophobia:**
> We are a LGBTQIA+ friendly server

> Feel free to change your own nick but please no unreadable names
> No discord breaking Unicode characters
> Keep it PG please

**Don't Be A Dick:**
> Do I really have to explain this

> We have a dedicated #self-promo channel for all this
> You can self promo in #discord-form

**No spam:**
> This includes obnoxious noises in voice, @mention spam, character spam, image spam, and message spam.

**No unnecessary explicit content:**
> This includes scary, gorey or sexual content. NO pr0nz / nudity, death, etc.

**No harassment:**
> This includes any form of harassment or encouraging of harassment.

**No self or user bots:**
> These are some cases that go against Discord Terms of Service.
> Any questions about the bots or any others not used in our Server please message the MODS directly.

**No inappropriate language:**
> While swearing is allowed, refrain from directing it at another member unsuspectingly.

*We do not tolerate rule violations.*

Upon breaking these rules, we will issue you a warning and you will be given the role @𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 noting the staff members you have violated the rules.

As well as in out staff logs we will give you a strike, if you get 3 strikes you will be temp banned from the server for an agreed upon time by staff we will let you know.

If you re-join you will permanently keep the @𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 roll. If you break the rules again even once you will be permanently banned no questions asked.

If you don't break the rules with in 3 weeks we will remove this role from you.

**`Thank you for reading please stay safe and follow the rules!`**

This is what it will look like:

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@Ryonez The bot (AutoChannel Bot) that creates a temporary channel is not actively running. Do you plan to make the codes open source so we can run them as self-hosts?

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Ryonez commented Sep 15, 2023

@ramazansancar I have no idea what you're referring to, I don't run or maintain such a bot.

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fukionline commented Sep 15, 2023 via email

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ramazansancar commented Sep 15, 2023

@ramazansancar I have no idea what you're referring to, I don't run or maintain such a bot.

I reached here from the rules section of the discord server directed by the bot. Unfortunately, I could not find any other information about the boat. @Ryonez

Bot here:

Discord Server:

Discord Server:

Gist Url Here:

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Ryonez commented Sep 15, 2023

Sorry, that's completely unrelated and unknown to me. Though the link here is rather flattering, maybe I should go over this gist and see how it's holding up these days.

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fukionline commented Sep 15, 2023 via email

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@ramazansancar Sorry, that's completely unrelated and unknown to me. Though the link here is rather flattering, maybe I should go over this gist and see how it's holding up these days.

I didn't notice the source detail. I am sad :( @Ryonez

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