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Ryonez /
Created March 25, 2019 10:25 — forked from mrkwatz/
Firefox 57 Windows 10 UWP Style Overlay Scrollbars
Ryonez / matrix-synapse.conf
Created April 9, 2018 13:15 — forked from Tristor/matrix-synapse.conf
Nginx reverse-proxy config for Matrix Synapse server
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
location '/.well-known/acme-challenge' {
default_type "text/plain";
allow all;
root /var/www/;
Ryonez / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Created January 15, 2018 05:00 — forked from MohamedAlaa/tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
Ryonez /
Last active May 25, 2023 20:22 — forked from matthewzring/
A guide to Markdown on Discord.

Markdown Text 101

Want to inject some flavor into your everyday text chat? You're in luck! Discord uses Markdown, a simple plain text formatting system that'll help you make your sentences stand out. Here's how to do it! Just add a few characters before & after your desired text to change your text! I'll show you some examples...

Sweet Styles

Italics *italics*

*Underline italics* __underline italics__

Ryonez / (Unofficial) Discord server rules suggestions
Last active December 29, 2024 07:22
(Unofficial) Discord server rules suggestions list


(Unofficial) Discord server rules suggestions list

Author's Note

I'll start off with letting you know this is a fork from someone else. However, for some bizarre reason, this is the one everyone finds, so I better get round to updating this. Credit to Cristiano#2233 for the original idea.

Also, I've had a lot of people saying the rules are to strict. If you pick all the rules here, you're right, it would be very strict. However the rules below are guidelines! They are there for you to pick the ones you desire, you can ignore ones you don't want. Hopefully they might help with rules you wouldn't have thought of otherwise.