For some reason IDA executes FreeLibrary() to the plugin immediately after getting its PLUGIN structure's address, so later invocations of the plugin lead to calls to nowhere (that was supposed to be python3.dll). Simply patching the location of the FreeLibrary() call fixes the issue. The location is easy to find: go by cross-references to a place where the call to FreeLibrary is followed by a reference to the string "%s: incompatible plugin version..." and NOP it away.
+001c1d20 15 9b e6 e3 ff 48 8b 4d 88 48 85 c9 74 0e 90 90 |.....H.M.H..t...|
+001c1d30 90 90 90 90 48 c7 45 88 00 00 00 00 48 8b 4c 24 |....H.E.....H.L$|
+001cb050 15 83 53 e3 ff 48 8b 4d 88 48 85 c9 74 0e 90 90 |..S..H.M.H..t...|
+001cb060 90 90 90 90 48 c7 45 88 00 00 00 00 48 8b 4c 24 |....H.E.....H.L$|
+001cb6f0 15 03 4d e3 ff 48 8b 4d 88 48 85 c9 74 0e 90 90 |..M..H.M.H..t...|
+001cb700 90 90 90 90 48 c7 45 88 00 00 00 00 48 8b 4c 24 |....H.E.....H.L$|
+001d53f0 15 0b b0 e2 ff 48 8b 4d 88 48 85 c9 74 0e 90 90 |.....H.M.H..t...|
+001d5400 90 90 90 90 48 c7 45 88 00 00 00 00 48 8b 4c 24 |....H.E.....H.L$|
Patching not required.
-EAA2A 00 48 85 c9 74 0a ff 15 ea 0d
+EAA2A 00 48 85 c9 eb 0a ff 15 ea 0d
-EEC80 ff 15 9a 5b 26 00 48 89 7d 00
+EEC80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
First - you should disable idapython - rename ~/${IDA_WINE_PREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/IDA 7.7/plugins/idapython3_64.dll to ~/${IDA_WINE_PREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/IDA 7.7/plugins/idapython3_64.dll.disabled.
Open IDA 64bit, load DLL (ida.dll or ida64.dll) with default settings, reject debug info download.
Then search for a sequence of bytes "incompatible plugin version" (with quotes).
Double-click the only search result and press 'X' to go to xrefs to this string.
Select the only xref and press OK.
Press F5. Dismiss all dialogue windows with 'Ok' button.
You will see something like this:
The FreeLibrary call and hLibModule assignment are bogus, and should be patched out.
So, click on FreeLibrary(hLibModule); line, then click on IDA View A tab and right-click anywhere in disassembly. Select Synchronize with -> Pseudocode A.
You should see something like this:
The "jz short loc_1000EB63A" should be patched to "jmp short loc_1000EB63A".
So, click on "jz short loc_1000EB63A" line and select "Edit->Patch program->Assemble..." from window menu.
You should see a dialogue window with an Instruction field, and "jz short loc_1000EB63A" in this field. Change it to "jmp short loc_1000EB63A" and press Ok, then press Cancel.
You may now return to Pseudocode A tab and make sure that bogus code block is now gone.
When DLL was fixed - save it using "Edit->Patch program->Apply patches to input file..." from window menu. Select "Create backup" and press OK, then close IDA without saving the database.
Congratulations, you have patched your IDA to fix this bug!
Now you should enable idapython - rename ~/${IDA_WINE_PREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/IDA 7.7/plugins/idapython3_64.dll.disabled back to ~/$(IDA_WINE_PREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/IDA 7.7/plugins/idapython3_64.dll.
For Python - just install Python for Windows to the same Wine prefix.
You may also need to run ~/${IDA_WINE_PREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/IDA 7.7/idapyswitch.exe and select your Python.
Also, for Wine - go to Options->Colors, select dark color theme and click OK. This will fix black interface parts (which became an issue with 7.7SP1 on Wine).