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smx-smx / XZ Backdoor Analysis
Last active February 26, 2025 01:17
[WIP] XZ Backdoor Analysis and symbol mapping
XZ Backdoor symbol deobfuscation. Updated as i make progress

How I use Hassio as a Bluetooth: Keyboard\MediaControl\Mouse Combo


Hello, 😀


I've been using Hassio for over a year now and am generally happy with it. I use it to control fireplaces, shades, lights, etc., but mainly use it to control my entertainment systems.

I'm a cord cutter and watch all my video with an Amazon FireTV 3rd gen stick and my audio with a Sonos surround sound bar.

2igosha /
Created April 21, 2021 22:29
Fix IDA 7.5/7.6 crashing on idapython3.dll in Wine


For some reason IDA executes FreeLibrary() to the plugin immediately after getting its PLUGIN structure's address, so later invocations of the plugin lead to calls to nowhere (that was supposed to be python3.dll). Simply patching the location of the FreeLibrary() call fixes the issue. The location is easy to find: go by cross-references to a place where the call to FreeLibrary is followed by a reference to the string "%s: incompatible plugin version..." and NOP it away.


Informatic /
Last active February 18, 2025 02:09
openlgtv webOS hacking notes

This is just a dump of some interesting undocumented features of webOS (3.8 specifically, on early 2018 4k LG TV) and other development-related tips.

Homebrew app ideas

x0nu11byt3 /
Created February 27, 2021 05:26
ELF Format Cheatsheet

ELF Format Cheatsheet


Executable and Linkable Format (ELF), is the default binary format on Linux-based systems.



tyler-dot-earth / logid.cfg
Last active October 13, 2023 07:50
Logiops (Linux driver) configuration example for Logitech MX Master 3. Includes gestures, smartshift, DPI. Tested on logid v0.2.2-35-g1c209ed. File location: `/etc/logid.cfg`
// Logiops (Linux driver) configuration for Logitech MX Master 3.
// Includes gestures, smartshift, DPI.
// Tested on logid v0.2.2-35-g1c209ed.
// File location: /etc/logid.cfg
devices: ({
name: "Wireless Mouse MX Master 3";
smartshift: {
icecr4ck /
Last active February 22, 2025 10:49
Cheatsheet for IDAPython
smoser /
Last active January 18, 2025 20:04
qemu to linux mapping of smbios / dmi information

Mappings for DMI/SMBIOS to Linux and dmidecode

Information can be put into dmi tables via some qemu-system hosts (x86_64 and aarch64). That information is exposed in Linux under /sys/class/dmi/id and can be read with dmidecode. The names are very annoyingly inconsistent. The point of this doc is to map them.


Example qemu cmdline:

qemu-system-x86_64 -smbios type=<type>,field=value[,...]

qemu-system-x86_64 -smbios type=0,vendor=superco,version=1.2.3
digitalhitler / smali-cheatsheet.txt
Created September 4, 2018 21:20
Smali docs на русском
Небольшая помощь в Smali
(Будет дополняться)
Общая информация
Байт-код Dalvik имеет два основных класса типов, примитивные типы и ссылочные типы. Типы ссылок - это объекты и массивы, все остальное является примитивным.
Brainiarc7 / fix-intel_wifi_aer-avell_g1513_fire_v3
Created July 16, 2018 13:21 — forked from flisboac/ fix-intel_wifi_aer-avell_g1513_fire_v3
Temporary fix for AER's excessive `severity=Corrected` logging for Intel Wireless (Avell G1513 Fire V3) (Arch Linux)
silly gist hack, why do we need you? :(