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Created June 25, 2020 23:50
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import os
import io
import argparse
import struct
layer_type_mask = 0xF000
layer_type_shift = 12
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert pokeemerald metatiles to use the triple layer system.' )
parser.add_argument('--tsroot', required=True,
help='Path to the tilesets directory in your pokeemerald project, e.g. /path/to/pokeemerald/data/tilesets')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.tsroot):
print(f"Given tilesets root directory does not exist: {args.tsroot}")
primary_path = os.path.join(args.tsroot, 'primary')
secondary_path = os.path.join(args.tsroot, 'secondary')
if not os.path.exists(primary_path):
print(f"[ERR] Given tilesets root directory does not contain a primary folder, aborting.")
if not os.path.exists(secondary_path):
print(f"[ERR] Given tilesets root directory does not contain a secondary folder, aborting.")
tileset_dirs = []
_, dirs, _ = next(os.walk(primary_path))
tileset_dirs += map(lambda d: os.path.join(primary_path, d), dirs)
_, dirs, _ = next(os.walk(secondary_path))
tileset_dirs += map(lambda d: os.path.join(secondary_path, d), dirs)
for tileset_dir in tileset_dirs:
tileset_name = os.path.basename(tileset_dir)
metatiles_path = os.path.join(tileset_dir, 'metatiles.bin')
metatile_attributes_path = os.path.join(tileset_dir, 'metatile_attributes.bin')
if not os.path.exists(metatiles_path):
print(f"[SKIP] {tileset_name} skipped because metatiles.bin was not found.")
if not os.path.exists(metatile_attributes_path):
print(f"[SKIP] {tileset_name} skipped because metatile_attributes.bin was not found.")
if os.path.getsize(metatiles_path) != 8*os.path.getsize(metatile_attributes_path):
print(f"[SKIP] {tileset_name} skipped because metatiles.bin is not eight times the size of metatile_attributes.bin (already converted?)")
layer_types = []
meta_attributes = []
with open(metatile_attributes_path, 'rb') as fileobj:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
if chunk == b'':
metatile_attribute = struct.unpack('<H', chunk)[0]
meta_attributes.append(metatile_attribute & 0x0FFF)
layer_types.append((metatile_attribute & layer_type_mask) >> layer_type_shift)
i = 0
new_metatile_data = []
with open(metatiles_path, 'rb') as fileobj:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
if chunk == b'':
metatile_data = struct.unpack('<HHHHHHHH', chunk)
if layer_types[i] == 0:
new_metatile_data += [0]*4
new_metatile_data += metatile_data
elif layer_types[i] == 1:
new_metatile_data += metatile_data
new_metatile_data += [0]*4
elif layer_types[i] == 2:
new_metatile_data += metatile_data[:4]
new_metatile_data += [0]*4
new_metatile_data += metatile_data[4:]
new_metatile_data += [0]*12
i += 1
metatile_buffer = struct.pack(f'<{len(new_metatile_data)}H', *new_metatile_data)
metatile_attribute_buffer = struct.pack(f'<{len(meta_attributes)}H', *meta_attributes)
with open(metatiles_path, 'wb') as fileobj:
with open(metatile_attributes_path, 'wb') as fileobj:
print(f'[OK] Converted {tileset_name}')
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