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Created January 19, 2017 00:13
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Script to trigger sheet worker updates when linked bar is updated
var BarMonitor = BarMonitor || (function() {
'use strict';
var version = '0.1',
lastUpdate = 1484779400,
attrUpdate = function(obj,bar)
var link = obj.get(bar+"_link");
var value = obj.get(bar+"_value");
if(!_.isUndefined(link) && link !== "")
var linkAttr = getObj("attribute", link);
if (!_.isUndefined(linkAttr))
findObjs({ _characterid: linkAttr.get("_characterid"), _type: "attribute", name: "recalc1"})[0].setWithWorker({current: 1});
//linkAttr.setWithWorker( { current: value } );
barUpdate = function(obj,prev)
if (obj.get("bar1_value") != prev["bar1_value"] && obj.get("bar1_value") != -99 && prev["bar1_value"] != -99)
if (obj.get("bar2_value") != prev["bar2_value"] && obj.get("bar2_value") != -99 && prev["bar2_value"] != -99)
if (obj.get("bar3_value") != prev["bar3_value"] && obj.get("bar3_value") != -99 && prev["bar3_value"] != -99)
checkInstall = function() {
log('-=> Bar Monitor v'+version+' <=- ['+(new Date(lastUpdate*1000))+']');
RegisterEventHandlers = function() {
on('change:graphic:bar1_value', barUpdate);
on('change:graphic:bar2_value', barUpdate);
on('change:graphic:bar3_value', barUpdate);
return {
CheckInstall: checkInstall,
RegisterEventHandlers: RegisterEventHandlers
'use strict';
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