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Last active March 14, 2016 16:34
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  • Save SCPRedMage/9f96ab1bb11270b25871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SCPRedMage/9f96ab1bb11270b25871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Updated to include extra Artistry and Lore skills on the current beta version of the character sheet.
function getCharacterObj(obj) {
"use strict";
//send any object and returns the associated character object
//returns character object for attribute, token/graphic, and ability, and... character
var objType = obj._type,
att, characterObj, tok;
if ((objType !== "attribute") && (objType !== "graphic") && (objType !== "character")) {
sendChat("API"," cannot be associated with a character.");
if ((objType === "attribute") || (objType === "ability")) {
att = getObj(objType, obj._id);
if (att.get("_characterid") !== "") {
characterObj = getObj("character", att.get("_characterid"));
if (objType === "graphic") {
tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id);
if (tok.get("represents") !== "") {
characterObj = getObj("character", tok.get("represents"));
} else {
sendChat("API"," Selected token does not represent a character.");
if (objType === "character") {
characterObj = getObj("character", obj._id);
return characterObj;
var SkillBook = SkillBook || (function() {
'use strict';
var version = '1.11',
lastUpdate = 1457939008,
skills = { "acrobatics":"Acrobatics", "artistry":"Artistry", "artistry2":"Artistry", "artistry3":"Artistry", "appraise":"Appraise", "bluff":"Bluff", "climb":"Climb", "craft":"Craft", "craft2":"Craft", "craft3":"Craft", "diplomacy":"Diplomacy", "disable-Device":"Disable Device", "disguise":"Disguise", "escape-Artist":"Escape Artist", "fly":"Fly", "handle-Animal":"Handle", "heal":"Heal", "intimidate":"Intimidate", "linguistics":"Linguistics", "lore":"Lore", "lore2":"Lore", "lore3":"Lore", "knowledge-arcana":"Know (arcana)", "knowledge-dungeoneering":"Know (dungeoneering)", "knowledge-engineering":"Know (engineering)", "knowledge-geography":"Know (geography)", "knowledge-history":"Know (history)", "knowledge-local":"Know (local)", "knowledge-nature":"Know (nature)", "knowledge-nobility":"Know (nobility)", "knowledge-planes":"Know (planes)", "knowledge-religion":"Know (religion)", "perception":"Perception", "perform":"Perform", "perform2":"Perform", "perform3":"Perform", "profession":"Profession", "profession2":"Profession", "profession3":"Profession", "ride":"Ride", "sense-Motive":"Sense Motive", "sleight-of-Hand":"Sleight of Hand", "spellcraft":"Spellcraft", "stealth":"Stealth", "survival":"Survival", "swim":"Swim", "use-magic-device":"UMD", "misc-skill-0":"misc-skill-0", "misc-skill-1":"misc-skill-1", "misc-skill-2":"misc-skill-2", "misc-skill-3":"misc-skill-3", "misc-skill-4":"misc-skill-4", "misc-skill-5":"misc-skill-5" },
miscSkills = [ "artistry", "artistry2", "artistry3", "craft", "craft2", "craft3", "lore", "lore2", "lore3", "perform", "perform2", "perform3", "profession", "profession2", "profession3" ],
checkInstall = function() {
log('-=> Skillbook v'+version+' <=- ['+(new Date(lastUpdate*1000))+']');
HandleInput = function(msg) {
"use strict";
var msg,
if (msg.type === "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!skillbook") !== -1 )
selected = msg.selected;
skillAttrs = Object.keys(skills);
_.each(selected, function(obj) {
tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id);
// Get the character token represents
characterObj = getCharacterObj(obj);
if ( ! characterObj) {
characterID = characterObj.get("_id");
characterName = characterObj.get("name");
macroText = "/w @{character_name} &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Skills}} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}} {{"; // Base macro text
for (i=0; i < skillAttrs.length; i++)
// miscSkills lists skills that you have to fill the name in
if (_.indexOf(miscSkills, skillAttrs[i]) !== -1)
// We're just checking to see if they filled in the name; we'll tie the button title to the attribute, so it'll always use the current name
var attrName = skillAttrs[i]+"-name";
skillName = getAttrByName(characterID,attrName);
// If we don't find it the first time, it may be a caps issue
if (skillName === "" || _.isUndefined(skillName))
attrName = attrName.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + attrName.substr(1,attrName.length);
skillName = getAttrByName(characterID,attrName);
// If they haven't filled in the skill name, skip this skill
if (skillName === "" || _.isUndefined(skillName))
skillName = skills[skillAttrs[i]] + " (@{"+attrName+"})";
else if (skillAttrs[i].indexOf("misc-skill") !== -1)
// We're just checking to see if they filled in the name; we'll tie the button title to the attribute, so it'll always use the current name
var attrName = skillAttrs[i]+"-name";
skillName = getAttrByName(characterID,attrName);
// If we don't find it the first time, it may be a caps issue
if (skillName === "" || _.isUndefined(skillName))
attrName = attrName.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + attrName.substr(1,attrName.length);
skillName = getAttrByName(characterID,attrName);
// If they haven't filled in the skill name, skip this skill
if (skillName === "" || _.isUndefined(skillName))
attrName = attrName.replace("skill","Skill");
skillName = getAttrByName(characterID,attrName);
// If they haven't filled in the skill name, skip this skill
if (skillName === "" || _.isUndefined(skillName))
skillName = "@{"+skillAttrs[i]+"-name}";
skillName = skills[skillAttrs[i]];
macroText = macroText + "["+skillName+"](!&#13;@&#123;"+characterName+"&#124;"+skillAttrs[i]+"-macro&#125;) ";
macroText = macroText + "}}"
// Check for existing ability with chosen ability name
var abil = findObjs({ _type: "ability", _characterid: characterID, name: "Skills" });
if (abil.length === 0) // If you don't find one...
// ...make one
createObj("ability", {
name: "Skills",
characterid: characterObj.get("_id"),
action: macroText,
istokenaction: true
else // If you DO find one...
// Just use that one
abil[0].set("action", macroText);
RegisterEventHandlers = function() {
on('chat:message', HandleInput);
return {
CheckInstall: checkInstall,
RegisterEventHandlers: RegisterEventHandlers
'use strict';
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