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Created July 25, 2018 07:37
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Hash Table, Clear Easily (C++ 11)
// Copyright [2018] <Copyright SF-Zhou>
// Author: SF-Zhou
// Email: [email protected]
#include <cstring>
namespace Utils {
template <class Dtype, int Size>
class HashTable {
Dtype n[Size];
uint64_t s[Size];
int h[Size];
int v[Size];
int siz, id;
HashTable() {
void clear() {
siz = 0;
void deep_clear() {
memset(v, 0, sizeof(v));
id = 1;
siz = 0;
int size() const {
return siz;
void set(uint64_t status, Dtype value) {
int hs = status % Size;
while (v[hs] == id && s[h[hs]] != status)
if (++hs == Size) hs = 0;
if (v[hs] != id) {
s[siz] = status;
n[siz] = value;
v[hs] = id;
h[hs] = siz;
} else {
n[h[hs]] = value;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references)
bool get(uint64_t status, Dtype &value) {
int hs = status % Size;
while (v[hs] == id && s[h[hs]] != status)
if (++hs == Size) hs = 0;
if (v[hs] == id) {
value = n[h[hs]];
return true;
} else {
return false;
} // namespace Utils
#endif // HASHTABLE_HPP_
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