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Created June 26, 2020 00:34
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  • Save SGTGunner/50d6a3cc0d489cf779f77695ba3e22ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SGTGunner/50d6a3cc0d489cf779f77695ba3e22ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Github to Discord Webhook Tutorial

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a Github webhook that will post updates from your Github account to a channel in Discord. The steps are simple so follow along!

Create a Webhook in a Discord Channel

First you need to create a webhook in a text channel. We're assuming you have both Manage Channel and Manage Webhooks permissions!

  • Go in a channel properties (Alternatively, Server Settings, Webhooks works too)
  • Click Webhooks
  • Click Create Webhook
  • Type in a name (this is for local reference, it's overriden by the incoming hook data)
  • Copy the Webhook URL (you can use the Copy button)
  • Click Save


Note: Do NOT give the Webhook URL out to the public. Anyone or service can post messages to this channel, without even needing to be in the server. Keep it safe!

Create the Github Webhook

In order to do this you need to be the owner of the github repository. Even Collaborators cannot access settings.

  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Webhooks
  • Click on Add Webhook
  • The Payload URL is the webhook URL with /github added to the end.
  • Leave Secret blank, change the Content-Type to application/json
  • Select what type of events you want
  • Click Add Webhook


Note: The "test" payload will not show anything in your channel. That is normal. You will need to actually take an action in order to show any activity. However, make sure the test payload has a green checkmark, and the response is 204.


I'm getting a 400 error!

Make sure to add /github at the end of the webhook URL.

Can I change the Avatar and Name of the hook's messages?

No, Github controls that part, so they're choosing the name and Avatar.

I'm not getting the events I want (or too many)

Under Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?, select Let me select individual events.

Check the events you'd like to receive. There are a lot of them.


That's it. That's all you had to do. Now go code!

Copy link

If you get 400/404, simply make a Commit in this repo and if you see a message in discord webhook then its fine

This and /github hint helped me connect the repo to a Discord. Thank you.

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