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Last active September 20, 2024 15:51
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Godot Painting Post procssing effect
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D distort_texture;
uniform float fade : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.86;
uniform float desat : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.3;
uniform float scale = 0.009;
uniform float intensity = 0.041;
uniform int kuwahara_radius = 4;
varying vec2 world_position;
void vertex() {
world_position = VERTEX.xy;
vec4 kuwahara(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, int radius) {
vec2 src_size = 1.0 / vec2(textureSize(tex, 0));
float n = float((radius + 1) * (radius + 1));
int i;
int j;
vec3 m0 = vec3(0.0); vec3 m1 = vec3(0.0); vec3 m2 = vec3(0.0); vec3 m3 = vec3(0.0);
vec3 s0 = vec3(0.0); vec3 s1 = vec3(0.0); vec3 s2 = vec3(0.0); vec3 s3 = vec3(0.0);
vec3 c;
for (j = -radius; j <= 0; ++j) {
for (i = -radius; i <= 0; ++i) {
c = texture(tex, uv + vec2(float(i),float(j)) * src_size).rgb;
m0 += c;
s0 += c * c;
for (j = -radius; j <= 0; ++j) {
for (i = 0; i <= radius; ++i) {
c = texture(tex, uv + vec2(float(i),float(j)) * src_size).rgb;
m1 += c;
s1 += c * c;
for (j = 0; j <= radius; ++j) {
for (i = 0; i <= radius; ++i) {
c = texture(tex, uv + vec2(float(i),float(j)) * src_size).rgb;
m2 += c;
s2 += c * c;
for (j = 0; j <= radius; ++j) {
for (i = -radius; i <= 0; ++i) {
c = texture(tex, uv + vec2(float(i),float(j)) * src_size).rgb;
m3 += c;
s3 += c * c;
vec4 fragColor = vec4(0.0);
float min_sigma2 = 1e+2;
m0 /= n;
s0 = abs(s0 / n - m0 * m0);
float sigma2 = s0.r + s0.g + s0.b;
if (sigma2 < min_sigma2) {
min_sigma2 = sigma2;
fragColor = vec4(m0, 1.0);
m1 /= n;
s1 = abs(s1 / n - m1 * m1);
sigma2 = s1.r + s1.g + s1.b;
if (sigma2 < min_sigma2) {
min_sigma2 = sigma2;
fragColor = vec4(m1, 1.0);
m2 /= n;
s2 = abs(s2 / n - m2 * m2);
sigma2 = s2.r + s2.g + s2.b;
if (sigma2 < min_sigma2) {
min_sigma2 = sigma2;
fragColor = vec4(m2, 1.0);
m3 /= n;
s3 = abs(s3 / n - m3 * m3);
sigma2 = s3.r + s3.g + s3.b;
if (sigma2 < min_sigma2) {
min_sigma2 = sigma2;
fragColor = vec4(m3, 1.0);
return fragColor;
vec3 blendNormal(vec3 normal){
vec3 blending = abs(normal);
blending = normalize(max(blending, 0.00001));
blending /= vec3(blending.x + blending.y + blending.z);
return blending;
vec3 triplanarMapping(sampler2D tex, vec3 normal, vec3 position) {
vec3 normalBlend = blendNormal(normal);
vec3 xColor = texture(tex, position.yz).rgb;
vec3 yColor = texture(tex, position.xz).rgb;
vec3 zColor = texture(tex, position.xy).rgb;
return (xColor * normalBlend.x + yColor * normalBlend.y + zColor * normalBlend.z);
void fragment() {
// float depth = texture(DEPTH_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV).x;
// vec3 ndc = vec3(SCREEN_UV, depth) * 2.0 - 1.0;
// vec4 view = INV_PROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(ndc, 1.0);
// /= view.w;
// float linear_depth = -view.z;
// vec4 world = CAMERA_MATRIX * INV_PROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(ndc, 1.0);
// vec3 world_position = / world.w;
// vec3 world_normal = cross(normalize(dFdx(world_position)), normalize(dFdy(world_position)));
vec2 uv = SCREEN_UV;
vec2 distortion = texture(distort_texture, world_position * scale).rg/*triplanarMapping(distort_texture, world_normal, world_position * scale).rg*/ * 2.0 - 1.0;
uv += intensity * distortion;
vec3 paint = kuwahara(SCREEN_TEXTURE, uv, kuwahara_radius).rgb;
float desaturation = texture(distort_texture, -world_position * scale / 4.0).g * desat;
paint = mix(paint, vec3(paint.r + paint.g + paint.b) / 3.0, desaturation);
COLOR = vec4(mix(texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV).rgb, paint, fade), 1.0);
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