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Last active September 14, 2022 17:45
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  • Save SQLvariant/3d54fb46801c9bff2c3029ad3a515e92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SQLvariant/3d54fb46801c9bff2c3029ad3a515e92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple script to change the retry counts on certain activities in ADF pipelines.
# Go to wherever the pipelines are.
$DownloadLocation = 'C:\temp\ADF\pipeline'
cd $DownloadLocation
# Just have a quick look.
$PipelinesContents = @()
foreach($PipelineFile in dir $DownloadLocation){
$PipelineContents = Get-Content -Path $PipelineFile | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 20
$PipelinesContents += $PipelineContents
$PipelineFile = $null
$PipelinesContents | SELECT @{label='folder';expression ={$}},
@{label='Activity Types';expression ={$}},
@{label='Retry';expression ={$}}
# Do the thing.
$Pipelines = dir $DownloadLocation
foreach($PipelineFile in $Pipelines){
$PipelineContents = Get-Content -Path $PipelineFile | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 20
${ $_.type -in 'Copy', 'SqlServerStoredProcedure', 'WebActivity' })
| SELECT @{label='FileName';expression ={$}}, name, type, @{label='retry';expression ={$_.policy.retry}}
foreach($Activity in ${ $_.type -in 'Copy', 'SqlServerStoredProcedure', 'WebActivity' }).Where({$_.policy.retry -eq 0}) ){
$Activity | SELECT name, type, @{label='retry';expression ={$_.policy.retry}}
$Activity.policy.retry = 3
# Save the results back to the file.
$ModofiedPipeline = $PipelineContents | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20
Set-Content -Path $PipelineFile -Value $ModofiedPipeline
"Skipping $($"
$PipelineFile = $null
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